Just Women Talking Shit
Just Women Talking Shit is your go-to self-help podcast for real talk on personal & spiritual growth. Hosted by Jacquelynn Cotten, personal evolution mentor & founder of Spiritual Support System, this podcast features juicy interviews with badass, one-of-a-kind women. We dive deep into the good 💩, bad 💩, weird 💩, & life 💩, offering insights & inspiration to help you live a more authentic, fulfilled life. Join us for relatable stories, expert advice, & practical tips on overcoming challenges, building resilience, & embracing your true self. Tune in & start your journey towards personal evolution today!
Just Women Talking Shit
Ep 95: Getting Paid to Exist: Unraveling the Myth of Overnight Success
Can you really get paid just for being yourself? Join me as I unravel the myths of "overnight success". I dissect the often glamorized idea of instant success, revealing the years of dedication, hard work, and perseverance that truly lie behind it. By sharing my journey to my recent largest cash day to date, I spotlight the transformative power of a strong support system, like a trusty business coach, and how aligning your passion with your career can pave the way to a life of freedom and financial peace.
Turning failures into stepping stones, this episode also explores the essential role of embracing setbacks to fuel your success.
I open up about my personal financial struggles and the lessons they imparted, emphasizing the importance of skill, passion, and resilience in weathering tough times.
Whether you're an entrepreneur ready to align your work with your passion or simply seeking inspiration, this episode invites you to discover the transformative potential of getting paid to exist.
Don't miss out on these actionable insights and the chance to connect and grow together.
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Hey. So I wanted to hop on here and use this live stream also as a podcast episode of Just Women Talking Shit, because I'm a little behind, just going to keep it real with you. So I figured I want to get on here and chat about how fucking awesome my weekend was first off. But I wanted to chat about, too, what some of you are seeing as, I guess, overnight success in my business and in in my brand. And here's the thing is, it's not overnight success. Hello, hi Hi. I'm so glad you're here. Where are you watching from, by the way?
Speaker 1:But so what some people may look at is overnight success. Um, and we tend to do this whenever we are scrolling through content. And maybe you've followed a coach for some time and you like them a lot and so you check out, you're always aware of when they post new content and you're following their journey. Do y'all have anybody like that that comes to mind? Well, I've got people like that. Somebody comes to mind specifically, and you watch their journey and they take you through the struggles and the growing pains and the bullshit that some would say is dark and not the pretty parts of business, and then all of a sudden, you see, maybe you don't follow them for a little while, or you are following them and you start seeing screenshots of income proofs and stuff like that. So if you follow somebody like that and and they all of a sudden are making a lot of money, or building towards what making a lot of money um, it could seem like like an overnight success, right?
Speaker 1:So I had a podcast interview today with a woman named Dina and she is currently in Vietnam. She gets to travel the world and she had not even thought about herself in this sense and I told her. I said it's so interesting. The theme in my life right now is helping people get paid to exist, and here you are doing what really looks to me like you're getting paid to exist. You get to work wherever in the world you want to and you have a six figure business, right, and you can run it wherever you want to, and she loves what she does, right, and so that that, to me, is when you love what you do, when you would do it anyway, when you would show up anyway and help people in that industry. That is getting paid to exist People wanting to pay you to help them with something that you love. You look forward to it, you love your clients right, that is getting paid to exist, and so.
Speaker 1:But here's the thing, and what she and I were talking about was when you get to that point where you become a magnet in your industry and you start to see the success and it hits your bank account, just that little stretch of making seven $8,000 in about 48 hours was huge for me. And being able to see it and show my husband and say, hey, baby, we're going to be okay. Going into the holidays, debt, everything new year coming, we're going to be okay. I promise you holidays, debt, everything new year coming, we're going to be okay. I promise you I'm going to make you a kept man. That has always been my goal is to make my man a kept man, like I want to. Like joke is I'll let you be my pool boy and then you can just go and figure out what it is that makes you happy. So many people work and just go through the motions and don't ever really figure out what it is that they love. And we have to work to pay for things to exist. But if you could get paid to exist, that's the dream To get paid for something that you already are so good at and you love doing so.
Speaker 1:Anyway, I went to see my sister in Georgia and we live about six hours apart. Okay, there's a little bit of a time it's an hour time difference, so that always trips me up but when I was there I have full body chills. Right now I'll show y'all. It's a little cold out here, but that's not from being cold, because I'm not cold. I don't feel cold.
Speaker 1:I feel the sense of such alignment and fulfillment because I went back and I looked at the post that I. You know, if you go back and look at a post from yesterday, it was like a weekend recap you know photo dump, a video dump type thing of my sister, my nieces, my nephew, my daughter, my son, all of us spending time together and know it was just so beautiful. They didn't even do a whole bunch, but be it like just being in a position to get things like oh well, what would you like for dinner? Or oh, what would you like from starbucks and never have to ask for any help, or like, okay, yours costs this much. Like just, I don't know, it's the mama in me, but it's also like the growing up being told no, so much things that cost money and being robbed of experiences. Now, I did learn a lot, for sure, but I want to be able to tell my kids, yes, more. I want to be able to not teach my kids to materialistic, but to be proud of the things that they earn. Money pays for the things that we enjoy, like our vehicles, our quality of life, right, and so I think it's really important to, as I'm building this wealth, as I'm building my team, as I'm doing all these things, to be more and more transparent with y'all that it wasn't an overnight success. One, no two, I would say.
Speaker 1:Two or three things shifted that made all of the shifts from the previous and prior years go bam. It all made sense. It all was now made possible, and it was the. I've been with my business coach for a year now, being with her, having her help me through all of the pivots, all of the bullshit, having someone there to hold me accountable. It was all the years of the wrong jobs, the jobs I didn't like, the jobs where I fucking hated or I thought that you could do my boss's job, like all these experiences that didn't make sense at the time, that didn't fulfill me, that I didn't feel I was learning from, that weren't getting me closer to my purposes or closer to my dream or closer to those really big cash days that we all dream about.
Speaker 1:I realized when I was closing the three cells almost back to back to back that my experience in the customer service job came in in this process, process, that my experiences in creating content and advertising and creating campaigns for other brands came in. I realized oh my god, my nose, it just so bad, sorry. I realized that the financing aspect of selling cars and helping someone get approved for something, being able to know like their buying power is, their purchasing power is, and then helping them with that so they can get started working with you All of it started to come through. All the lessons I learned, you know, the 10, 15 years of working with children, learning how to communicate in a way that a child can understand, being able to pay attention for signals. So, all in all, it wasn't all for nothing. All the jobs I didn't like, all, all the, all the trials, the tribulations, the failures.
Speaker 1:So what I want you to take away from this is that I think it's really important to embrace failure and fail faster. The faster you fail the the faster you succeed, because you're learning what doesn't work, and it's all trial and error, really that. And if you're wanting to start a coaching business or revamp your coaching business, maybe you need to pivot. These are the things I want to challenge you to think about. One you have to be good at what it is that you want to do. You have to be able to have proven results. Two, two you got to be passionate about it, because the passion is what's going to power you through on those hard days Over the weekend getting to treat my family, getting to spend quality time with my sister and laugh our asses off as we ate overpriced and from Taco Bell that used to be a dollar and now are three, $2.99.
Speaker 1:I truly finally saw the bigger picture, the full circle that all the suffering I experienced, all the suffering she experienced, was maybe not necessary, wasn't our fault, wasn't something that's the feel we deserved, but that experiencing that suffering allowed us to really, really enjoy the time we had together over the weekend. Because when you have the experience of suffering, it's inevitable. We're all going to suffer, but the experience of suffering, I truly believe, is so that you can feel what that feels like. So you know, for you it's not an alignment. You don't want to be there again To overcome the money stories, the. You know, all this money, if I spend it, will I get it back?
Speaker 1:I went through such a drought in income for the past six months to a year In my business. I was not making money In my content creation. I was In my business, my coaching business. No, my retreats were breaking, even paying the other facilitator and making me maybe $500. I had to experience that drought. I now know how to split money up, how to delegate, how to leverage money, how to save it Right. But had I not suffered, I wouldn't. I would. As soon as that money would have come through, I would not be holding half of it in the bank account right now. You know what I mean.
Speaker 1:So, and then a goal of mine is to, if I can make, once I make money, I save half of it just on autopilot, half of it saved so that I'm like I'm well prepared. But also I want to start building wealth and and have those high interest savings accounts and you know, iras, investments like I'm. I'm thinking about portfolios and but but six months to a year ago I was thinking so small that you know a dollar investment made me hurt and so it's just necessary, it's all necessary, a necessary part of your journey, whatever phase of your journey you're in right now. Okay, so felt so good. It just felt so good to to be present, to know that my clients adore me and that they understand that I'm taking time with my family, and to know that what I'm building has integrity and that people come to me wanting to pay me because they know of my ability to take their vision, create a strategy and get them results. That's all I got. I love y'all so much.
Speaker 1:I hope that you find the courage and the bravery to figure out consistent, whatever that looks like for you, because I was telling my client earlier that right now we're just building. We're building behind the scenes. It's these micro tasks, these micro duties, the scheduling, the preparing of content and scheduling it out in a strategic way, the having workflows behind the scenes. It takes time, but before you know it, you will get a client and that will give you the confidence that you need when you see that cash hit your account. You now know it's possible, your brain has evidence and you want to do it again because of the endorphins and chemicals that are on set by this success that you knew is inside you the entire time.
Speaker 1:She's going to see success. She's doing all the right things and the only fucking way that you fail if you are passionate as fuck about something and you know that, even though is gonna get hard, you're not gonna give that's commitment, baby. And when you are committed, yeah, you can skip a day here or there, but you know, get back on track. And so what I was telling her was that you know about to happen, and it'll happen fast if you allow it to, because you're doing all the right things, but that literally everything that has happened up until this point is going to provide you with feedback and tools going forward. And it's been proven in the past couple of days.
Speaker 1:Because I told her, I said it's time to come up with your offer. I said you're selling anything high enough, we're going to up your prices and that's the quickest way to get you to $10,000 cash in a month. And so she's kind of freaking out and she's like, well, I don't know what my program is. And I was like, well, what about that three month experience that you talked about? And then that just kind of sent her down this, this rabbit hole of oh, and as we started outlining it, she realized that she had written on some pages like a year ago I think six months to a year ago a-part program and I had told her we just need three parts, no more. Three is a great number in marketing. It's I mean, it's symmetry, it's all the things right power in threes. And on our call today we literally mapped it all out and she is in a position to, even before it's all a tangible product ready to sell because you can offer that one-on-one support while you're building the program.
Speaker 1:So many programs start out as live coaching and collect the content from that live coaching program and then turn it into evergreen. So it's all about like one bad. Do you want it? How? How can we get scrappy, how can we get resourceful and how can you own your zones of genius and then leverage those into a skill set or a service? So a tangible transformation service industry I mean based company is going to give you the quickest cashflow. Products, unless they're digital products, take time and they're going to take the largest investment up front.
Speaker 1:So I always go with digital. Digital coach. Have digital products. That's what I'm good at teaching people how to do. And there's a coach for everything Fucking everything. There's sleep coaches. There's coaches to help you connect with your children, to connect with your animals. I've heard of coaches for everything orgasm coaches. Okay, man, there's something for everything.
Speaker 1:So I had to share my, my success and how you know not an overnight success, it's all been building up, and then the ability to provide payment plans for people to work with me was the clicking moment. That and one of my business coaches. So my, my long-term business coach, which I've been working with and I owe the most credit to, is Lauren Nahar, and she is just a lead generation guru. She teaches you to generate money and cash in your business with very small followings, based on genuine connections and custom lead generation systems for you, right, because it's not a one size fits all business, right? And then my most recent hire was Yolanda, and the process of how she sold me is what I took away from that. I took how she sold me and her ability to leverage the loan relationship with the finance companies and the value that she gave me. In our free audit of you're not giving value, jacqueline, and you need to be charging a lot more. I took all that and it all clicked.
Speaker 1:All the years of personal development, personal growth, failure, failed relationships, bad investments, jobs I hated. So it's not an overnight success, it's compounded effort and you can fucking do it. But you got to start today and you've got to realize that everything you've done up until this point has served its purpose in some way. You know shape, form, fashion, but that there are no mistakes. Like you're, if you learn from something, it's not a mistake, and that's what I had to take away from it was this I just wasn't ready. I wasn't fully ready, but when you do the work on your mind, your soul, your spirit, your body, it'll all come together, I promise. So I love y'all so much.
Speaker 1:I had to share all this with you because you know it's been a hard couple of years for me, but it's about to get really good and I hope that you come on this journey with me, on the podcast, in coaching containers, wherever it is that you find me. I hope that you stick around because I appreciate you and I couldn't do it without you and I know that there are power in numbers and that we're all connected and I just value your energy and your time so much. I'm just really excited about the future and I'm really excited about my clients' futures and I just want everyone to experience what we are experiencing. And if you're not like feeling you're getting paid to exist and feeling that excitement of what you're building, I hope that you will send me a DM and let's have a conversation as to why that be and if I can help you, great. And if not, well, you made a friend.
Speaker 1:Until next time, listen to my podcast Just Women Talking Shit, wherever you get your podcasts, and know that you are so, so valuable to someone out there and that you can charge for that value. I'm weird as fuck. I curse a lot, I call my clients bitch and they pay me a lot of money to do that. So there's someone for everybody and if you need help finding those people so that you can get paid to exist, I'm your girl. Reach out, see you later.