Just Women Talking Shit
Just Women Talking Shit is your go-to self-help podcast for real talk on personal & spiritual growth. Hosted by Jacquelynn Cotten, personal evolution mentor & founder of Spiritual Support System, this podcast features juicy interviews with badass, one-of-a-kind women. We dive deep into the good 💩, bad 💩, weird 💩, & life 💩, offering insights & inspiration to help you live a more authentic, fulfilled life. Join us for relatable stories, expert advice, & practical tips on overcoming challenges, building resilience, & embracing your true self. Tune in & start your journey towards personal evolution today!
Just Women Talking Shit
Ep 93: Huge Announcement of Pivoting My Passions for Business Energetics, Magnetic Marketing, & Strategy into a Profitable Business
What if you could transform your passion into a thriving business?
Join me on a journey from life coaching to embracing the world of magnetic marketing, where I share the pivotal moments and conversations that led to this exciting pivot.
With a history rooted in entrepreneurship, I've realized that helping others align their true passions with their professional endeavors not only brings freedom and joy but also creates a pathway to passive income.
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Throughout this episode, I unravel my battle with imposter syndrome and the epiphany sparked during a 14-day challenge that changed everything. You'll hear how my coaches, Jamie Barringer and Lauren, played a crucial role in guiding me back to my marketing roots, allowing me to fully step into my zone of genius.
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As we explore the art of aligning passion with business, I'll introduce you to the Magnet Method—a transformative resource for entrepreneurs eager to attract ready-to-buy clients by harnessing their unique energy.
Discover how authentic marketing strategies can revolutionize the way you connect with soul-aligned clients, moving away from traditional sales tactics and towards content that resonates deeply.
This episode is all about embracing who you truly are and understanding that by doing so, you not only empower yourself but also pave the way for others to live authentically and financially empowered.
Download the MAGNET Method Magnetic Marketing Cheat Sheet here.
Whether you're contemplating a business pivot or seeking inspiration to stay true to your passions, this discussion promises insights and encouragement for creating a scalable and fulfilling business.
Book your FREE Lead Magnet Discovery DM Session here.
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Follow Just Women Talking Shit on Instagram HERE.
Visit www.jacquelynncotten.com HERE.
Check Out Jacquelynn's Luxury Experiences HERE.
Discover Ways to Work with Jacquelynn HERE.
Welcome back to Just Women Talking Shit. Today it's just me. We won't be interviewing anybody and, honestly, I've got some big news to share with you about the pivot that I'm making in my business. So let's jump right in. For the past two years, I've been both a business and life coach. I've loved what I've been doing, honest to God, but over time it's become really clear where my true passion lies. I keep coming back to it again and finally I've realized that it's time to step fully into my zones of genius. So today I'm announcing a return to my roots. I'm focusing entirely on magnetic marketing and business coaching, which I'm really excited about, and really I don't know just over the moon for all of the results that my clients got in the past, but that all the results that they are already getting just since I've made this shift and focusing fully on my zones of genius, which is magnetic marketing, business energetics systems really allowing you to structure your business in a way that allows you to get paid to exist. And what I mean by this is being so in your zones of genius and being so good at what you do and then putting that out into the world so that when they find you and your lead magnet and they go through the systems we have in place. You don't have to do a lot of work on the back end because it's already been done through systems, automation, stuff like that. So this is what I mean by getting paid to exist. So we're thinking passive income. We're thinking waking up to leads. We're thinking getting to stay in what makes you happy as a creator and getting to monetize that. So monetizing your passions. We were taught at a very young age that we had to probably go to school and not make money with our dreams. That's why they're dreams. So I really like helping people move past that and do what makes them happy, do what lights them up, and get paid for that. So that's what I mean when I say get paid to exist. But let's rewind just for a minute.
Speaker 1:A few years ago, I started out by helping people with business and life coaching, because both of them were such a big part of my world. I wanted to support people in creating life and a business that they loved, because I've always had this entrepreneurial spirit and maybe you resonate with this. Maybe this is why you follow my page. Maybe this is why you listen to the podcast. Is. You have this sense of what freedom looks like for you and for some of us.
Speaker 1:We don't thrive in what society pushes us into, and that is from a very early age. We are forced into a lot of pressure, we're being graded, we're being tallied, and when we make mistakes, based on academics, we're kind of shoved into a box, and so I really love being able to work with the people who are free thinkers, who are thought leaders, who want to create a new way, who want to build a legacy, right. So, in creating lives and businesses that they love, it becomes building income around your life instead of building your life around your income. Does that make sense? So, in fact, back then, I had something called the Magnetic Marketing Academy and it did really well. So at this time, I was working with a mentor who she really just she built my head up to a point that I started to recognize that I was a genius with marketing. I was a genius with branding, with creating attention online, and so I went all in and I created this program called the Magnetic Marketing Academy, which was all about helping entrepreneurs stand out online and attract clients authentically, right?
Speaker 1:So this was before I fully embraced the spiritual coaching side of things. And that program was a freaking hit. I generated $21,000 in sales in just 11 days. So I was on cloud nine. I was doing something I loved, but I had imposter syndrome creep up. After I sold this program I was like I don't know if I can do this again. I'm great at marketing, but I really want to do business coaching and at that time I didn't feel like I was making enough money to call myself a business coach. And so what happened? The imposter syndrome got me and I did what a lot of people do, and that's pivot, because it felt like, oh, maybe this isn't aligned, people aren't going to see me as this outstanding business coach, when really all in my life, being a multi-passionate person, I have dabbled in so many things, I've been in so many different industries, I've worked in all kinds of backgrounds. I didn't really realize at that point that my indecisiveness and my wanderlust personality that I had was actually going to prepare me for a life of business coaching. So I started my entrepreneurial journey at about eight years old, when I had my first Kool prepare me for a life of business coaching.
Speaker 1:So I started my entrepreneurial journey at about eight years old, when I had my first Kool-Aid stand right and I was making money to buy my mom something for Mother's Day. So ever since then I've always had a hustle. I've always been doing something and being multi-passionate, I've had this pressure of having to focus on one thing, because that's what society teaches us, that's what everybody says. You go and pretty much pick a career and you do that your whole life, and then you retire when you're old, and so I always felt like there was something wrong with me being multi-passionate. And I see now, after discovering, that I'm actually a manifesting generator in human design, that's a good thing. All manifesting generators are multi-passionate and it actually serves us because we are able to help people in so many different areas of life and so many different areas of business that we can see the leaks in a person's bucket, because we've already done these things, we've already learned about them, and so I've always been a very fast learner. I've always moved very quickly. I might be crocheting one month, and then the next month I'm trying to learn to sew, and the next month I'm really stuck on guitar.
Speaker 1:But I didn't know up until recently that all of this would come together and come back full circle. So this program was a hit. I offered payment plans which a lot of people were eating up, and so I was able to really have a consistent income for about almost two years actually, between that and several other things that I had lined up with payment plans. So that was really great. I thought outside the box there. I don't want to discount what I did, but for some reason I felt like there had to be more.
Speaker 1:So what I'm getting at is that, even though the program did really well and we got massive results and I still have relationships with these women, very close relationships even though I saw it work and that I was doing great and that success fueled me, despite that success, I really wasn't fully clear on my own identity. So, like a lot of entrepreneurs, I did the thing that a lot of us do and that's pivot right, which I pivoted again and that's okay. So I really want to come out and talk about this, because we pivot a lot in life and a lot of us will sometimes beat ourselves up oh, you gave up too soon, you quit easily, or you can't just stick with one thing. And the thing is is that sometimes, when we're being called to pivot, it's because we need to learn something in that moment from that pivot, from that experience that we wouldn't have learned otherwise. And so, even if you do pivot and this is what I'm realizing is, I pivoted so that I could pivot again, so that I could make it full circle, so that I could find out what I'm really good at, so that I could make it full circle so that I could find out what I'm really good at.
Speaker 1:So I shifted gears at this time from marketing to more of spiritual support system which I still have and I will continue, but more as a community rather than as an entire brand. So I felt called to dive into my own spiritual journey and that's when the spiritual support system really developed. I wanted to bring others along for that and it was really powerful work. I started a retreat out of that community and it went on for two years and I'm hosting a third retreat this year. But with the pivot it feels like things are shifting and I first was beating myself up over that. But I think this is how it's all supposed to work or it wouldn't be happening Right. So I really wanted to bring other people along for that journey and, like I said, it was really powerful and I had clients who were finding themselves and growing in ways that they hadn't even expected Right. So where did my notes go?
Speaker 1:But even in that spiritual work, there was this common thread that kept coming up. Every person that came to me for life coaching really had this strong desire to be an entrepreneur, to lead a movement, to have some project that could allow them to get paid, to exist right, something that felt so natural that it didn't feel like work. And everyone always wanted to escape the nine to five and it seems like everybody always had these great ideas but just didn't know where to get started or how to scale or something like that, to live a life of what I call absolute freedom. I call it the freedom, frequency, and that is to live in a way that it feels like flow. It feels like this is such a great life. You don't go to bed every night dreading the next day, which is what a lot of us do in corporate America. We're having to work these really hard jobs and these really routine lives that become mundane and really put us in this sense of autopilot.
Speaker 1:So that was the common thread, and it didn't matter if they came to me for life coaching or something personal. It always came back to this common thread they either wanted to start a business, make a difference, but ultimately everybody wanted to live, and wants to live, a life of freedom. That comes to me and in a very authentic way as well, not some cookie cutter way. They want it to be a unique experience for them, and typically they've tried other things that haven't worked out, and by the time they find me, they're frustrated and ready to really make shifts, and so, basically, everybody just wants to find a way to get paid to exist, and so I was like I know how to do that, but to make a living doing something that you love, and to have so many people come to me wanting to find a way to do something they love and get paid in that way, that's when I really started to notice the pattern, and so over the past few weeks, I've been going through this own personal evolution journey on my own, and I've been calling myself a personal evolution mentor and I still am but I found myself wanting to personally evolve in a way that might not make sense to other people, and so people are asking well, what's going on with you now? What are you doing now, and it's like I'm really just back to the basics. It's all come full circle Now.
Speaker 1:These amazing people kept coming to me with the same questions when do I even start? How do I package my skills? I've never done this before. I don't understand marketing, I'm not signing clients and it just continued to go on and on Right, and it just continued to go on and on Right, and each time I find myself slipping right back into the business mode, into helping them strategize, figure out their branding, get their first clients starting a brand. Some people just have a vision and don't know where to start, and so everything just keeps coming back to this, and I couldn't help but feel like I'm being pulled back in that direction, and so it made me start thinking about something that one of my coaches in the past said. Her name is Jamie Barringer, and she told me this is when I was developing the Magnetic Marketing Academy, the one that did so well that I mentioned earlier. Right, but she told me that no matter what kind of coach you are, at the end of the day we're all life coaches, and so over the past few weeks, when I found myself feeling a little out of alignment, this kept coming back to me. I'll always be a life coach if I do go back to business, if I do go back to marketing and just focus full time on that, you always wind up being a life coach, jacqueline. So how do we get out of this mindset that we have to stay stuck as a life coach, because it's very generic and very basic, and how do we put our spin on marketing? And again, it was just a matter of going back to the basics.
Speaker 1:But what happened was I was talking to my current business coach, lauren, a couple weeks ago and I was sitting here talking about this challenge that I did. I assigned 20 new clients I converted a few of weeks ago. And I was sitting here talking about this challenge that I did. I assigned 20 new clients. I converted a few of them to a new program that I'm hosting. And she was like you notice how you always come back to business. And that's when I told her. I looked at her as we're on our call and I was like I already know what you're going to say. And that's what she was like. But do you notice, you always come back to? And I was just like I already know what you're going to say. And then we had this big old giggle about it because I knew, and she knew, that we were in each other's heads and it felt like such a natural progression and so I just made the decision, right then. And there to let's pivot, this feels good, right? So over the past few months I was just saying I've been going through my own mental warfare, trying to find balance, trying to find clarity. I've had some serious health challenges and it's forced me to slow down and get back to the basics. So, as I was saying, a minute ago, I ran this 14 day challenge called High Cash Energetics, which brought in 20 new clients, and it was during that challenge that I had an aha moment.
Speaker 1:Whenever I'm coaching, I always find my way back to helping people make money in a way that lights them up. I always come back to business no matter what, and for the longest time I've been fighting that for some reason, because I didn't see myself as this business genius, until I got into life coaching to realize that everybody sees me as a business genius, as a business guru. So it was like, almost as I put myself in a different position, I was able to see myself through a new lens. So over the past two years I've just been developing this craft more and more, and it's so funny how it really feels like it's coming full circle now. So I was saying in a recent conversation that I had with my business coach, I shared that I've been feeling this pull to go back to my roots. I wanted to return back to marketing because deep down, I know that's where I belong, but I've always felt like I'm not doing enough. If I focus on marketing, I'm not healing the world. And so it was really this internal conflict of how can I still change lives if I'm not a life coach, if I'm not focused on spirituality.
Speaker 1:And the truth is that I think I've made some of the biggest changes in people's lives by teaching them to make money, by healing their money stories, by teaching them how to make money on demand. Because, let's face it, life is really hard when you're broke, right, and I know that money can't buy happiness, but it sure as fuck can make life a lot simpler it can. It gives you more choices, the freedom to choose, the freedom to have experiences, right To not tell your children no. And so I just decided and she looked at me and she's like girl, it's time, just do it. And that was it the clarity I'd been looking for. I decided I'm ready. So here we are I'm officially stepping fully into my role as a magnetic marketing and business coach.
Speaker 1:My focus now is completely on helping people get paid to do what they love through magnetic marketing. So my goal here is to work with clients that I love, that I want to teach you how to work with clients that you love, because I think that's the biggest thing I find in the marketing world is people are spinning their wheels, don't really know what to do, don't know what content to create, and we get so burned out before we even really begin. So in order to attract the clients I'm talking about soul align clients, people that are ready to pay you they just binge on your content. They feel like they know you and then by the time they're talking to you, they're like I already know. But by the time that you're having a conversation with them, they have an idea of what you do, how you can help them, and they are looking to go and work with you. And so by stepping into this I'm really excited because already people are having results and by helping my clients and really stepping into my power. I know that it's going to help people step into their power and also find people that they love to work with.
Speaker 1:That you don't dread, because we all know what it's like. Love to work with. That you don't dread, because we all know what it's like to have a client that you don't enjoy working with just for the sake of some money. And so, through what I'm teaching here and teaching now the magnetic marketing, the business coaching, the energetics behind business, how to maintain energetics so that you can increase your income, increase your visibility and just have that unfuckwithable energy I know that this pivot is for the best. I know that it feels like coming home to my passion, because I really do. I want to help people build a life and a business that they love.
Speaker 1:It breaks my fucking heart to see people who go to a job that they hate, that live for the weekends, that stay up at night or have trouble sleeping because they don't want to go to work. That was me. I cried every fucking night before I had to go to work. I dreaded going to work because some of us are just different, and I saw a reel the other day that said, uh, it was these two people swimming and one of the most beautiful areas I've seen mountains water. It was these two people swimming in one of the most beautiful areas I've seen Mountains water, crystal clear blue water. And it said something like the world looks like, there are places in the world that look like this and I'm supposed to be working until I'm 65. And it just was like, oh, I get it, and so that feels like freedom to me being able to go see the world and have all these experiences that we learn about and see about in textbooks, but in real life, and not having to stress about money or calling in. Or can I have this time off? Because you own your time and you have things working in the background Systems, automations, passive income, right, your calendar's getting booked and you're just having conversations in the DMs. These are the things that, in my mind, create absolute freedom time freedom. So I really do.
Speaker 1:I want to help anyone and everyone that has an idea build something that you love in a way that feels aligned, magnetic and fucking authentic. I think that's a really big part of it is authentic, that doesn't feel like you're copying somebody else. That feels so good to you that you like to work, when, whenever you feel the spark, you're like, yes, I love what I do, of course I'm going to go do that. And that's what I felt over the past few weekends is in this pivot. I'm working on a Sunday and I'm getting excited about it. I'm like I'm not. So look for the clues of oh, I like that, that sounds fun, right, and that's what I've been feeling. That's what I've been feeling around marketing and around recreating and reframing my whole business. And so I just want to remind you that if you want to pivot, it's okay to pivot, but what's important is that you are transparent, you're honest and you bring people along for the ride. Don't just shift completely without telling people, because that feels shifty, that feels shady. So that's why I'm making this huge announcement on the podcast.
Speaker 1:I've made a big announcement on my Instagram. If you go and look at my post, you'll see that I am just. I'm so ready, I'm so ready to make this difference, to show people the way to market, to show people how it doesn't have to be that hard. Business doesn't have to be that hard and you don't have to be perfect. You don't have to have sales funnels, you don't have to be that hard, and you don't have to be perfect. You don't have to have sales funnels, you don't have to have all this shit, all these sales pages and whatnot, right? You can do these things with little to no money and you can do it in a way that you look forward to.
Speaker 1:So, because I want to make sure that you have a little something to get started, now that you know about the shift that's happened within my business, I've put together a free cheat sheet called the Magnet Method. This Magnet Method is what I teach my clients and how they go from crickets to people showing up in their inbox, excited to learn from them, excited to work with them the Magnet Method. So if you're watching this on Instagram Live, which is where I'm recording it live, you just want to pop in the comments magnet method all one word or two words and ManyChat will send you the free resource straight to your inbox. This is for anyone who wants to attract soul-aligned, ready-to-buy clients. It's about learning to master your unique energy in your marketing so that you can show up authentically and also get paid to exist, like my clients and like I do, through podcasts, through live streams, through if you decide to create music through royalties, through affiliate programs, through referral links. There are so many ways that you could be monetizing your knowledge. So if you want to grab this in the comments of this Instagram live, just comment magnet method and if you are listening to it on the show, just look in the show notes and I will put the freebie link in there. So I'm so excited for you all to try it. It's really powerful, a great tool that you're going to want to use and save so that you can really make those first dollars, sign those first clients and do it in a way that is maintainable but also scalable. And it really starts with having a lead magnet, with having some clarity on who it is you're speaking to creating a lead magnet and then creating visibility creating a lead magnet and then creating visibility. So try it. It's going to be a huge game changer for so many of you who are in the online entrepreneurial space, and it'll even work for small businesses, brick and mortars.
Speaker 1:One more thing I've made a few changes online to reflect this new direction and I want to tell you about it. You can now find me on Instagram at Jacqueline Cotton. That's my name, j-a-c-q-u-e-l-y-n-n-c-o-t-t-e-n not Cotton and if you're interested in more tips and support around attracting dream clients. I have an Instagram channel that's pinned to the top of my profile, called Magnetic Client Attraction Channel, so join me there. Let's keep this energy going. I'm here to help you. If you need help creating a lead magnet, if you need help creating a magnetic marketing system that works for you, if you are looking for one-on-one support, if you are looking for mobile mentorship meaning like on-demand coaching, back pocket coaching where we can text each other and video each other and send voice memos and I can coach you in real time. I have that accessibility as well, so you can just find me on Instagram at any moment, jacqueline Cotton, and we can talk more about all the ways that I can help you. Your business, your vision, your podcast, your project, your digital marketing agency whatever it is you do If you want to have an online appearance and you want to attract people to you that are ready to buy, I can help you with that. It's really about this channel is really about community with other entrepreneurs who are also in love with what they do and who want to work with the right clients. So if that sounds like something that you're into, come find me.
Speaker 1:All right Now. Thank you so much for being here with me today. This pivot. I know it feels huge and some of you might feel a little taken back. Some of you may actually fall off as my follower, and that's okay, but it really does feel like something you've been meant to do. It feels like such a natural step in the right direction. So I just want to remind you I'm here to help people. I'm here to help you thrive. I'm here to help you thrive in your business. I'm here to help you get paid to exist. I'm here to help you feel a life of purpose, not overwhelm. I'm here to help you be with your babies, travel the country as a full-time family, making money with them, beside you, if that's something you desire, because life is too short and it's so sad how many people go through life unfulfilled, and work takes a huge portion of your life if you stop and think about it. And so if you want to work on that, if you want to look into what it feels like to get paid to exist, or if you want to take it to the next level, just keep listening to this podcast. Find me on Instagram If you're feeling like it might be time to step into your zone of genius.
Speaker 1:Know that you can Know that you don't have to wait. You can start building a life you love right now. It just takes taking that first step, which is typically just the decision to begin, and then to really just stay committed and show up long enough to give it a real shot. I'm here for you. Let's do this together. Okay, thank you for tuning in to Just Women Talking Shit. Please don't forget to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. If you enjoyed this, please don't forget to. Also, if you enjoyed this, tag me in your stories. Tag the show in your stories at Just Women Talking Shit. Tag me at Jacqueline Cotton. Share with us what you enjoyed about this episode. Pop a question in your stories that you want me to answer and I will write back. Or, if you are on Spotify, you have the rating system. If you just go and give it however many stars you feel this episode deserved, that would just mean the world. It helps tremendously with getting the show out there. So thank you again. Until next time.
Speaker 1:Keep doing what you fucking love. Stay true to yourself. Or remember here, in this lifetime, with the technology and the resources we have, any of us can get paid to exist. I know it feels crazy to say that out loud, but the sooner you accept that, the sooner you get curious and the sooner you find your own way to start monetizing on your uniqueness, your energy, your skill sets, your genius. Because what is one person's I mean, is your just like ah?
Speaker 1:Because what is one person's I mean, is your just like ah comes so naturally, is another person's fucking gold. Shit that comes so naturally to you could very well change somebody else's life. So I want to close you with that. Don't be afraid to pivot. It's okay to shake shit up, it's okay to change your mind, but what's most important is to follow your energy, follow your authenticity. What makes you happy? Where do you feel aligned? Where do you feel like it's still so good? This is what I'm meant to do and don't resist. Quit resisting so fucking much. Do what you love, right. Life is short. So I love y'all. This has been real fun and until next time. I'll catch you later. Bye.