Just Women Talking Shit
Just Women Talking Shit is your go-to self-help podcast for real talk on personal & spiritual growth. Hosted by Jacquelynn Cotten, personal evolution mentor & founder of Spiritual Support System, this podcast features juicy interviews with badass, one-of-a-kind women. We dive deep into the good 💩, bad 💩, weird 💩, & life 💩, offering insights & inspiration to help you live a more authentic, fulfilled life. Join us for relatable stories, expert advice, & practical tips on overcoming challenges, building resilience, & embracing your true self. Tune in & start your journey towards personal evolution today!
Just Women Talking Shit
Ep 90: Unlocking Personal Transformation: Act 'As If' to Achieve Your Dreams
What if the key to transforming your life lay in acting as if you've already achieved your dreams?
This week, I invite you to join me on a deeply personal journey from a turbulent childhood to a life of empowerment and authenticity. Growing up in a household plagued by domestic violence and instability, I learned to reshape my identity by adopting the mindset of someone who is confident and unburdened by past constraints. Through energetics, identity work, and inspired action, I discovered how to break free from negative influences and societal expectations, unlocking potential I never knew existed.
Place your deposit for the Sedona 2025 Mom's Retreat here.
Explore the exquisite irony of how a conservative and religious upbringing focused on people-pleasing inadvertently led me to find my true self. By recognizing emotions as outcomes of experiences, I realized the power of recreating those experiences to manifest a life that resonates with authenticity and purpose. I share insights from my journey, including how breaking free from limiting beliefs can pave the way to embracing your unique strengths. I also reveal exciting opportunities to engage with both free and paid resources, such as an upcoming masterclass that will teach you how to act "as if" to accelerate desired outcomes.
Apply to work with Jacquelynn HERE.
Embrace the potential for personal growth and transformation through practical tools and supportive communities. As we navigate back to Dixie, Mississippi, and confront past environments, the focus shifts to using perceived weaknesses as strengths and the pivotal role of education and self-awareness in achieving success. This transformative journey culminates in a special invitation to my "As If" masterclass on October 22nd—a free opportunity to stop playing small and redefine your life's trajectory. Join me as I commit to my own growth through a session with my business coach and set the stage for collective empowerment and change.
Buy Spiritual Awakenings Volume 2 HERE.
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Welcome back to another live recording hosted on my Instagram at Spiritual Support System, where we're going to be chatting a little bit about my story and how acting as if has really helped me transform every aspect of my life. So today's title of today's chat and, okay, I'm sorry, figure something else out is Breaking Free from Negative Environments and how Living as If Ch if changed my life. I did not take into account that the kids were going to be here this week. I will say that. So what we're going to be talking about is breaking free from societal expectations, negative environments and self-limiting beliefs, which I feel like is something that a lot of us struggle with. Um, and embracing as if, which is a mindset that I, that I've adopted and something that I came up with on my own but acting as if, having this mindset, how to use it to create lasting change in both your personal and professional life. So let's dive right in. You're going to hear some kids in the background, but you know what? Fuck it, fuck it. We're going gonna do this anyway.
Speaker 1:So have you ever felt trapped in a life that wasn't truly yours? Growing up, I myself was a shy girl at church, constantly trying to fit in and do what was expected of me and never stepping into who I truly was. To be honest, I didn't even know who I was. I had this idea of who I was and I remember my mom and everyone around me telling me who I was, what I looked like, what they thought about me. They they assumed based on my you know, the way I carried myself and the facial expressions and just my overall aura. So I adopted what I thought was me, my identity, but I never was. Really being me is the thing. Um, it really wasn't until I started, until I started living as if, as if I was an already confident person, is if I was already empowered. Um, until I was the, the woman that I wanted to become. It wasn't until I started acting as if I was already that that things really started to shift for me.
Speaker 1:So I would go as far to say that it feels as if my entire world shifted because my inner worth shifted and I started to remove opinions, other people's opinions that were influenced by really early on. I mean, as a child, you depend on people to take care of you, to keep you alive. Until you get to a point where you can do that, and even though we can physically stay alive, it doesn't mean that we are emotionally evolving or that we are emotionally cared for or mentally stimulated in the ways that challenge us for the best and don't create trauma, and so I really didn't think I had a chance in hell at being quote unquote normal, and so I saw that as a challenge, if I'm being honest. So I saw that as a challenge. If I'm being honest, I saw it as a challenge and I wanted to figure out how to overcome my environment, how to overcome the people that were having the greatest influence on my life and helping me form this identity that I didn't necessarily want. How was I going to evolve past that? And breaking free from a negative environment was really difficult for me, and it can be difficult for you too. It took me really getting headstrong in my headspace and, unfortunately, even separating myself geographically from people. I'm going to let this plane go by. I'd like to wave to them in case they can see me. In today's episode, we're diving into how to break free from negative environments and step into your full potential by using energetics, identity work and something that I love, which is taking inspired action, which a lot of us don't do this enough.
Speaker 1:So brief background. My name is Jacqueline. I live in Mississippi. I was born in Mississippi. I moved around a lot as a kid. Everybody wants to know what? Were you? An army brat? No, I was just in a really unstable environment, which is what we're gonna talk about today.
Speaker 1:My dad and my mom had a very toxic relationship. They were together for 10 plus years, never got married, and so I grew up in this really, really really toxic environment. They loved each other, I would say almost to death. There were situations where my mom almost died. He was really, really rough with her. There was a lot of domestic violence, and so growing up I remember hearing yelling a lot. I remember being scared. I remember holding the phone, holding my brother and sister scared, wondering if I was going to have to call and get help with my mom because, well, she's my mom and in a sense I hated my dad, if I'm being completely honest. And so I remember at eight years old I asked my mom on one of his drunken nights where he was being completely irresponsible with us. This is how my brain remembers it and I remember.
Speaker 1:This is in the book that I also recently put out with a group of other authors called Spiritual Awakenings, volume 2. But you'll read about this in that book. In the book I talk about how one of my first spiritual awakenings was when I was eight years old. I remember that night where I asked my mom. I didn't ask. I told her Mom, I think it's time we leave, daddy. She looked at me with this look of despair but also like, wow, I can't say no to that. If she knows, then it must be bad. The next thing I remember is my mom trying to figure out a way to leave. We were in georgia at the time and we wound up back in mississippi, which is where her sister lived and a lot of my family still lives. So, eight years old, we moved back and my mom is now single mom. I'm thinking it's going to be great, it's going to be better and it was good for a little while.
Speaker 1:In a sense, I feel my mom lost her childhood when she had me, because she was only 17 and so she didn't. It fell down there, so she didn't get to do a lot of what younger people get to do. She didn't get those experiences. Um. So whenever she, you know, started essentially growing up, um, it was as if she had all this, this lost time, to make up for. Does that make sense?
Speaker 1:And so the next several years of my childhood was growing up with a mother who was also growing up, figuring it out, and it created a lot of turmoil in a sense, because it's a fine line of being a mom and being a friend and just figuring this stuff out as you go, you know, of being a mom and being a friend and and just figuring this stuff out as you go, you know. And so the resentment that I had for her, um, I had to, I had to bottle up inside because I had siblings to take care of, and so I would say that up until the age of 19, I felt and I still feel, like even before I had my own children, I was a mom. So I spent the next several years feeling like a mom and being really resentful. But I grew up in church where I was taught to, you know, serve, to put other people first, and it created what I call like a people pleasing syndrome and that wound up being my life, for I would say, the better portion of my life. I'm 35 now and I really did not start living for myself until I would say 30, 31, somewhere around there maybe. And even then I feel like I really just started living for myself, like having non-negotiables and really sure and really you know strong boundaries and protecting my energy and stuff of that nature.
Speaker 1:But for the longest time it was just doing everything for everyone and figuring out when I was supposed to, when I was going to get to be happy, was I happy? And so, you know, going through church and I don't know that others see it this way, but I feel I experience a lot of spiritual abuse in addition to the neglect, in addition to sexual abuse, all kinds of trauma emotional, mental, verbal abuse. So, as a kid, my brain as it's forming, my amygdala and all parts of the brain were not forming the way that they should have. Neural pathways are created very early on and neural pathways are created through habits, through repeated exposure to things, and so as I was growing up, little did I know I'm literally engaging in traumatic brain injury.
Speaker 1:Traumatic brain trauma really, because when and think about when you have, if you've ever been in a relationship could be platonic, could be romantic, could be a parent, it could be a family member, right, but if you know a narcissist and you have ever been in a codependent relationship with a narcissist, you know that you adjust who you are, how you behave, how you present yourself, how you speak, how you carry yourself. Everything you change and adjust according to that person's energy, according to their mood, according to the whole vibe. So your brain, as you enter new environments, as you are in a negative environment, your brain is figuring out ways to cope, to navigate situations, to avoid the most amount of stress and the most amount of discomfort. So that's a little backstory as to how I was. I was just the girl living in the background. Nobody noticed me, nobody really knew my name and nobody really knew I existed.
Speaker 1:And I felt this strong desire to be known, to be heard, to be seen, and I thought for the longest time I wasn't worthy of that. I thought for the longest time I wasn't deserving that I came from a bad bloodline. Essentially, I just thought I was cursed. It felt that way. I wanted to be someone who was seen and felt successful, seen as and felt successful. And so the questions became why? Why am I the way I am? Why is my brain the way it is? Who would I have been if I just gotten to grow up in the wild. What would I have been like if I didn't have other people's opinions pushed so strongly onto me as if they were my own? What if I wouldn't have been influenced by anybody? No programming, if I hadn't been listening to the news, if I didn't know what the radio was and I wasn't able to be brainwashed by music and obsessed with it. Like what if I had had all clear thoughts, all opinions removed? Who would I be? And I got obsessed with that. That was the entry point for me.
Speaker 1:So church, societal expectations, other people's opinions, beliefs, what they were going to think about me, especially in the church. I mean, I couldn't dress the way I wanted to. I remember hearing so many times that I was not going to dress like a whore being called a sinner Like I. Just religion was really pushed on me in order to make me conform and do what was expected of me, and so it was innate. Of course I was going to be a people pleaser. Of course I was going to put my wants and my desires on the back burner, because I literally thought that everything I wanted was going to send me to hell, and really all I wanted was to be loved, to be recognized for my intelligence, for my zones of genius. I wanted to make my mom proud. I wanted to make everyone around me proud. I wanted to be able to take care of my siblings because, again, I felt like I was the mom. I wanted to be able to take care of my mom.
Speaker 1:I still have all these dreams, hopes, aspirations and goals. Um, things on my vision board of things that I plan to buy, like I plan on buying my mom. I've always remembered she always wanted like a really old Jaguar and I want to buy her like an antique Jaguar. Um, I want to buy my sister a bakery. I want to just hand her the keys and say here you go, go live your dream.
Speaker 1:My brother, I want to. I want to buy him a plane. You know he was getting his pilot's license. Um, my husband, I want to be able to retire him and I would like to just put them on the payroll but allow him to while he's working. What if his job was to go find his passions? He's never gotten to do that.
Speaker 1:A lot of us have been working since, some of us down south. I know I started working around 10 years old. I started making my own money. I was throwing up Kool-Aid stands, I was babysitting, I was cleaning houses. So some of us have been working since we were little and in doing that we were pushed into societal expectations and didn't even get to really figure out what makes us tick, what do we like? We didn't get to overcome the negative environment and live a life that you know we love. So this became my obsession and the first thing I had to do was overcome negative environments.
Speaker 1:Because I will tell you this, when you decide you want to make a change, it's like and when you want to really take reins of your life, anything and everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Anything and everything that people will say about you. They will say about you. You will face obstacles. You will feel like it is never going to happen. Like you who are you kidding? You know, like you never had a shot. Like people will make you feel like you think that you're better than them. When you want to change your life and when you stop hanging out with them or stop doing or engaging in certain activities, like you're going to be faced with adversity and resistance, and that's when it gets really hard and really challenging.
Speaker 1:So overcoming your environment is not simple. But one of the quickest ways to overcome your environment is to to change the energy, change the surroundings, change who, who is in that, in that vicinity. And if you can't do that, if you're stuck, if you don't have a car, if you, if you live somewhere where everything's far out, if you can't get around new people, if you can't go to events, if you can't, can't, can't, then you start with your mind and your mind. You can do so many things with it. Use your imagination and just escape reality for a bit, and that in itself is a start. That's where I had to start being helpless, being, you know, 18, stuck at home or or younger than that, stuck at home, not having a vehicle of my own, yet, you know, sharing the family vehicle and working so that I could chip in on groceries at 16, 17,. Working so that I could get my own school supplies and make sure that my siblings had a Christmas. I had to overcome that environment. I had to be okay with being stuck and figuring out ways to escape my own reality. And in doing that is where I really tapped into my imagination, started listening to speakers, started just getting introduced to, before I knew it.
Speaker 1:What was personal development? And then it grew from there. The curiosity grew from there, right. So we've dove in a little bit into the environment that I grew up in.
Speaker 1:It was very conservative, religious and I really want to emphasize that people-pleasing. We were taught that at a very young age. So whenever it came to living a life of your dreams, no, you should be practical, you should put in your time, you should work hard, pay your bills, take care of your family, like put pretty much put everything on the back burner until you've taken care of everybody else. That's what I took from that and I did that. I did that for a very long time, and what that does is that instills shame and it makes us hide the things that we enjoy and the things that make us happy. And sometimes then we feel the only way to overcome that is to numb the feelings that we have, because we're taught that it's wrong, that we shouldn't quit our day jobs, that we should go to school, we should do this, we should check these boxes off of a list. And then we, like humans, do we mask the pain and we hide it because we're taught that that shows that being vulnerable probably isn't a skill set or a strength, and said it's a weakness, because, again, you were taught to put these things in the back burner, you were taught to push them down, and so we live lives that don't even fulfill us. So, knowing all that, now I want you to think about a specific moment where you felt disconnected, where you have felt stuck, where you have felt small. Okay, and sit with that for a minute.
Speaker 1:So many moments come to mind for me. So many moments come to mind for me, and as I sit and think about them, because I can replay them in my head over and over and over again, and at the end of it, it's really just my perspective, and in seeing that, I'm able to kind of remove the emotion from the situation, and that helps me a lot. And so I just want to, I just want to remind you that when these moments come to mind, that memories are very interesting, we essentially choose memories the way we want to remember them, and somebody else may have a completely different perspective of that, and so when I think about my memories and I think about those moments, I feel small. I also like to remember that my perspective was only as big as it could have been for whatever phase of life I was in. And then I think about how those moments actually served me, because I'll never want to feel those things again.
Speaker 1:And what's interesting and what I've come to realize is that emotions are the end, the end result of an experience. So if you've gotten yelled at and that made you feel scared, you may be scared of that person based on that experience. So your emotion, when you think that person is, you clench up, you may sweat a little bit. So emotions are the end result of an experience and in knowing that, I want to, in my mind, recreate the experience. And the quickest way to recreate the experience and anchor it into the mind is to is to experience it in the flesh. Now we could get super into this, but I'm going to save that for another episode because there is a lot that you can do when acting as if in the flesh and why say in the flesh, in the 3d, where you can feel it is concrete? That will actually allow you to manifest super, super quickly. Because when things are tangible your mind believes it's more possible. And it's this weird thing of when your mind can recognize it's possible and feasible and concrete. Then you can actually spot the opportunities to gain those things and that life faster.
Speaker 1:If you want to learn more about this, you can comment or respond about mobile mentorship. I'll offer that and we can work together in that capacity. Or I have one-on-one coaching, or I have a really, really cool opportunity that I think you'll like and it only costs $9.99 right now. That price will go up. I'm only doing it this low because it's a 14-day course. Then I'm gathering testimonials on them. But I teach all about quantum physics, quantum manifesting, anchoring in a new self-identity and matching what I call high-cash energetics, and teaching you to tap into my methodology called the Freedom Frequency that helps you manifest your dream life in person and human much faster. But if you're looking for something free, then I do want to take this opportunity to announce that I have a completely free masterclass happening on October 22nd here on Instagram and it is called as If where I'll be teaching you how to utilize the laws of the universe in combination with energetics to act as if your dream life is already here and in doing that, you'll attract it much, much faster.
Speaker 1:So you know, I mistook myself for being shy because I was put in situations where I was, essentially, I felt I couldn't use my voice. When I did use my voice, I was told things like you know? Um, you're just a kid, what do you know? Um, you're very opinionated. Or I was told to shut up, or um, we just weren't allowed to share our opinions as kids, because we were just kids, you know. It was like a. It wasn't our birthright, we had to earn it, and that came with years and just being an elder in general, because I guess the older you are, the more you know, the better you know, um, which is, uh, it comes to be that that's not true. You might know a lot, but it doesn't necessarily um help those around you. So I thought I was being shy, but really it was just a disconnection from who I truly was, who I was meant to be, and so I want to use this episode and use this live stream as a gateway for you to own your own potential and find your own authenticity, with the opinions and the labels removed.
Speaker 1:So the turning point for me was living as if, as if I was already the woman I wanted to be, as if I was the business genius that I wanted to be. I started acting as if I'd already made it, and in doing that, it meant that I had to change a lot of my beliefs. I had to reshape and shift my mindset. I had to obtain new skill sets. I had to learn discipline. I had to learn not to give up so easily when it felt like it wasn't working. I had to learn trial and error. I had to learn to be okay with being rejected, with my ideas not being seen as gold by everyone, and I had to learn to unbecome a lot of things, so acting as if can be just that unbecoming who you've been in order to become who you're meant to be. So this shift in my mindset.
Speaker 1:I specifically remember being a single mom living in this really small house, working my tail off, figuring out all these ways to try to make money, and I came across this book that someone recommended. It was called the Five Second Rule by Mel Robbins, and again in the beginning of this episode, I told you that I got obsessed with figuring out why am I the way I am? And I'll take it a step further and be 100% vulnerable and honest with you, transparent as well. I really started my personal development journey with this one goal in mind don't be like your family, and it hurts to say that I love my fucking family so much. But there are certain things that I do not like and I don't want to be seen as, and I don't want to let that be my truth too, and so I just had to be honest about that. So I gathered my thoughts and I felt really drawn to this book. Knew nothing about Mel Robbins, started reading the book and I became obsessed. It was exactly what I needed. It was right on time.
Speaker 1:That's when I learned about neuroscience and I realized that in order to change all of this, in order to change the energy, the aura, the income, the way other people see me, I was going to have to change all of this. In order to change the energy, the aura, the income, the way other people see me, I was going to have to change the way I saw myself. So that book and if you don't have it, I highly recommend you get it If you want to comment. Five second rule I'll send you the link directly to you, so you don't have to look for it it made me realize that my brain was holding me back from everything, and then I thought about how I was made to believe that I was limited, like from the very beginning.
Speaker 1:We, you know that's what happens when you grow up in poverty. You're told know a lot, you're told we can't have that and you don't know it at the time, but it's. It's developing your self worth internally as a child and that that's carried with you. It's carried with you throughout the years. So my self-worth and your self-worth could be very low, and it could be from a life of poverty, it could be from growing up in domestic violence.
Speaker 1:And so when I read this book, the five second rule, by mel robbins, I quickly realized that my brain was controlling my human and in knowing that I got, I got so obsessed and I literally started using the silly rule 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, to unbecome who I had been, who was unhappy, who was tired of playing small, who wanted to be recognized, who wanted to show up in a way that might be a little flashy, might stir the pot or ruffle some feathers, but I, as a little girl, remember being passionate, and before someone told me that I needed to get a day job and I needed to be realistic, that little person believed she could change the world, and neuroscience taught me that that little person can also still be. And so that was the beginning for me is overcoming my negative environment as a child, and I realized quickly that I was able to do that as a kid, that I did that in imagining and disconnecting from my current reality. I did that through books, I did that through journaling, I did that through music, I did that through poetry. I escaped the negative environment through my brain, and it was then a matter of how do we? How do we do that again? So if you've endured a life of trauma, if you are in a negative environment I bet you already do this and don't even realize it but you daydream, you go into la la land, you get on your phone, you scroll and you lose hours of time because you are so focused on overcoming your negative environment. So you're doing it already, but now it's a matter of acting as if you are that person who not only is out of the negative environment but is performing as a successful person, who is spending time taking care of themselves like a successful person. So my job and I tricked my brain to do this, and you can trick your brain to do this too was become the person you're meant to be. That became my focus, my job. If I want to show up and get paid to exist, then I need to start acting like that right now.
Speaker 1:So that's what this class that's coming up on October 22nd is about Acting as if and using the laws of the universe, energetics, quantum physics, quantum manifestation and just flat out fucking fun, because we don't allow ourselves to have fun nearly enough. Society puts these pressures on us of how to do things, how to be. This is what it looks like when you're happy. That's what Facebook is, that's what you know social media in general is is look at me, look at this is what happy looks like. And then the fucking reality is happiness can look like this Happiness. Can it look like? It look like farting with your friends and eating, eating pizza on a Friday night, splurging because you did good all week taking care of your body? So it's happiness does not. It's not. It's not a one size fits all, and so you're probably already figuring out ways to overcome your negative environment, but is it in a healthy way? Is it in a way that moves the needle forward to that person you want to become? And that's what I had to figure out, and so, in doing that, it really became okay.
Speaker 1:Unbecoming something probably means I'm going to have to let some things go, so I did. I realized quickly who my cheerleaders were, who was using me, who was helping me stay stuck, and that's the hard part. That's the hard part of personal growth, right? And that's why a lot of people won't do it, and that's why a lot of people continue to stay stuck and we continue to people, please, okay, um. So think about those moments. Think about that moment you, you felt small, whether it be in business, whether it be in a relationship, a friendship, whether it be in a work environment, um, a health goal, and think about your and think about your environment in that moment, so it could start.
Speaker 1:This is what I like to point out. This is where energetics and the make-believe and the imagination and what I call magic, which magic is just using your imagination and having fun along the way. You know, our human journey is supposed to be fun, but like, for instance, overcoming your negative environment. If you at work I'm going to give you some real life, practical examples Okay, if you at work, are you in your business? Let's say you work from home, um, or you work in an office space and and maybe the negative environment is kids it's really difficult to get in the headspace for work. Maybe the negative environment is your partner. Maybe the negative environment is your coworkers. Work Maybe the negative environment is your partner. Maybe the negative environment is your coworkers.
Speaker 1:I like to tell my clients that if you desire to feel a certain way when you're working, how can we recreate that feeling now? Because what your brain does is the more it gets familiar with these senses, with these feelings of oh, I've already made it. This feels so good. It's like and this is where the nerdy stuff comes in okay, but it's like you send the signal out to the universe that, okay, I'm here for more of that, and now we know where to send it.
Speaker 1:So it could be as simple as overcoming your negative environment. It could be putting on a really badass playlist that makes you feel like it changes your energy. Maybe it makes you feel powerful. Maybe it makes you feel, um, intelligent. What feelings do you want to feel? What is the person that you want to become? What do they feel like? And then we're going to act as if you already feel that way.
Speaker 1:So things that can make you feel that way would be a bomb ass playlist could be a really, really good fucking book. I can't listen to a book and work at the same time. I can't do that. But I can listen to classical music, for whatever reason, love listening to rap or like some really good hip hop, and you, you, you put on like some, some Biggie or some Tupac, and I will fuck that shit up. Okay, but it's, it's. What do we want to feel when, when we've made it, and then we bring that feeling now.
Speaker 1:So if that's a playlist that makes you feel like powerful and it takes you out of the negative environment which is we can, we can escape through our mind, then you can create that feeling now. It could come in the way of aromatherapy. This is a bad example, because this is a mosquito candle, but aromatherapy. So why not? Why not create the scent, like the smells that you want to smell while you're working? Do that now. If you want to work near a beach, you could put on ocean waves, right. So these are ways that we can trick our mind into overcoming the negative environment if you can't leave the environment. But the best way to overcome a negative environment is to remove yourself from the environment or to shift the energy in the environment. So you're going to have to shift your mindset, but it's also going to be energetics to that like gradually allow you to embody this new identity. Okay, so I'm going to break it down real quick Energetics, how, aligning energy with the vision of yourself you aspire to be.
Speaker 1:How you can do that is to really observe your behaviors, to observe your habits, to observe how you're spending your free time, how you're investing your money, how you're investing your, your energy. Like, where is all that going? Are you doing things to move the needle forward? So acting as if, whenever it comes to energetics, is bringing the energy into this present moment, bringing the frequency of success to this present moment. That could look like being more organized, that could look like putting just $5 away a week, right. So how do we bring that the feeling or the frequency of success to us? Now we start forming habits. We maybe stack habits together. So if you don't look forward to going in and doing checks and balances and bookkeeping for your business, maybe stack it with your favorite snack. So it's the energetics of acting as if you've already made it.
Speaker 1:These habits, these behaviors, these thoughts, this mindset, over time compounds and then, before you know it, you've either outgrown your environment, you've overcome your environment, you have new people in your environment, you bought a new environment, shit, I don't know. But you'll notice that as you elevate, as you transcend, as you shift your identity, the people, the literal things like I'm trying to find something, things like things we can grab, the things we, the vehicle we drive we literally shift geographically, we move places. Everything starts to shift, but it can be hard. It can be hard at first. It will feel like you can't overcome a negative environment. But I'm telling you, if all else fails and you can't get out of your house, pick up a book, find a YouTube video, fall down a rabbit hole of someone who is doing what you want to do, because they can teach you how it was done. So we're talking energetics, identity work. Right, I teach this in High Cash Energetics. If you want to join that again, it's right now only $9 and 99 cents and it's hosted on Facebook. But I teach you in just 14 days how to shift your identity and how to shift your mindset around abundance.
Speaker 1:Like a lot of us weren't taught that, I really feel like a lot of us are still struggling with, with overcoming not just negative environments but like money habits, self-limiting behaviors and beliefs in general, you know, and so it. Just episodes like this, I think, are so important. It's important to be vulnerable and to share stuff like this, because this stuff, the stuff that you're experiencing, if you feel stuck, if you feel like it's really difficult to overcome the people around you or the environment around you or your circumstances, it's oftentimes just hearing from somebody who has been at the very fucking bottom that it is possible, because in those moments it doesn't feel possible. I know it doesn't feel possible. I remember it all too fucking well and I've just Saturday was back home where I swear I'm going to write this book and y'all hear, y'all heard it first, it's going to be called the devil lived in Dixie, but a majority of my trauma after my dad I have my life with my dad and my life after my dad.
Speaker 1:Um took place in this place called dixie, mississippi, and I had to. I had to revisit the church that I grew up in over the weekend and it was. I thought it was going to really trigger me, but it was very, very healing to be back there to see that my memories are correct. Um, I did not over embellish a lot of it. The church is still very much, um, how I remember it and, um, I don't know, it was kind of gratifying to to go back there, because I've been having a lot of recurring dreams about going back there, and I literally had my husband take me down the road that I used to live on and everything. And so, um, I wrote, I just remember.
Speaker 1:I remember I remember thinking that I was never going to overcome that place, that I was never going to overcome my family, the circumstances, that I was never going to be a person who lived off welfare. I was never, I mean, I thought. I literally thought that I was going to have lice my whole life. I thought I was going to be poor my whole life. I thought that this is just. I had no say so in how my life was going to turn out, because everyone around me played victim and everyone around me, not even knowing it, found ways to destroy anything and everything good, and I was so scared that I was going to turn out that way. And I was that way for a little bit. I took advantage of people. I did not have integrity. I in a sense took what I wanted and took no accountability, and this came in the form of people, relationships, um bills, not paying things back, right, so we call this like the outlaw. Outlaw law is.
Speaker 1:Matthew McConaughey would say Um, and I'll write more about this in my next book. You can read a little bit about it in spiritual awakenings, volume two, available on Amazon. I can send you the link if you'd like. But um, yeah, I would say just in closing you know, get curious. Get curious about why you want to overcome that environment. If you don't identify with it, how can you overcome it right now? And it's usually through education. It's through surrounding yourself with encouraging people, picking a support system, and maybe I'm that support system, maybe my community's that support system. Maybe this video is, the is the very beginning, or this podcast interview is the very beginning of that.
Speaker 1:But you've got to focus on personal growth. You've got to focus on really creating. You know the criteria. What is the criteria that you want met for your life? Do people meet that? Are they giving the value that you're giving them? Are you showing up the way that you want people to show up for you? Are you showing up as if you are reliable? Are you a solid place for people to land. People can sense the flaking. People can sense you want to make a quick buck. People can sense that you're energetically not a solid place to land and that could very well be because of your environment, and that's okay. But this episode will help you. It'll help you overcome that. And the next steps that will help you overcome that is to just become a human project. Become a human project and be okay with just giving yourself grace and figure it out.
Speaker 1:Why am I the way I am? If I don't enjoy this part of me? How can I shift that? Um, but also, how can I own who I am without having to shift it, without having to cover it up? You know there's always room for improvement, but some of the things that we don't like about ourselves are what makes us so fucking unique, and so if you could choose to see it that way as a gift, as something that really sets you apart, then you can take these weird things and these, these what you might consider a weakness, but people recognize you for and you can build on that. Um.
Speaker 1:I took the things that I thought were bad about me, like being quiet. Being quiet allows me to be a very fucking good listener and I get paid to listen, but I also get paid to speak. I also get paid for my thoughts. I get paid to exist, but I learned to strengthen that. I learned to sit back and listen, observe, and in doing that I have a lifetime of experience, a lifetime of knowledge, wisdom, because I just stop and listen. I want to learn everything, but also I want to be compassionate and I want people to truly feel seen and heard. So I hope this episode has helped y'all.
Speaker 1:Whether you're a stay-at-home mom or looking to find balance as a business owner who wants to grow or just someone who is ready for a shift, stepping into your true identity is what is going to make all the difference, and it's not going to be pretty. It's not going to come with a bow. It's not going to come all tied and bedazzled. You know like it's going to take some work. It's going to take some taking the mask off, looking at bits of yourself that maybe you don't want to look at, but you can do it. So I know all of this can sound overwhelming, but you don't have to do it alone. That is exactly why I'm hosting my as if masterclass happening on October 22nd, where we'll dive even deeper into using energetics, the laws of the universe and identity work to shift your reality to them to manifest the dream life that you truly desire. So if you're ready to stop playing small and start acting as if your dream life is already here, join me for this masterclass. It's absolutely free. I'll be streaming it live on Instagram. If you want to comment as if, then you will be one of the first ones to know and you will get reminders leading up to the class, because we'll have a little countdown clock and I will send all the information directly to you, as well as the replay, so you don't have to worry about a little thing. Darling, I'll be streaming live, but trust me, you don't want to miss this. Whether it's live or the replay, this class is going to change the game for you. So, in recap, we talked about how I was the shy girl who played it safe and how I have completely overcome that.
Speaker 1:I now lead a spiritual retreat every year. I have a signature program called High Cash Energetics, which is now in beta testing. So it's nine dollars and 99 cents a month I mean, uh to join, a month to join while I'm gathering all the data for that. And um, I have this podcast just women talking shit. I have my community and culture spiritual support system. I I'm developing as a person so fucking much and so rapidly.
Speaker 1:It blows my mind and for a while I wasn't owning that. I wasn't, I wasn't owning that. I I, yeah, I am becoming a superhuman and that's that is. That is what I feel like. I feel like I'm becoming superhuman mind, body, spirit. If you can get those those three things reined in, you become a superhuman. You don't, you don't conform, you show up authentically. You realize that, that, that you are your greatest marketing gimmick, that you are the most powerful, potent program, that you are everything that your clients desire, that you are what the world needs. And knowing that you're unstoppable, how is that not superhuman? And I'm ready, I'm ready to own that. I'm ready for you to own that. I'm ready for you to realize your power.
Speaker 1:Whether it's overcoming your negative environment, or whether it's overcoming getting a business started, whether it is figuring out how to scale to become a multimillionaire, whatever it is that you set your mind to, you can do it. You can do it. So I hope this episode helps. I hope that my containers help. You don't have to be the shy girl that plays it safe. You can have your own turning point when you start living as if, as if it is already working out for you, doing the energetics work, doing the identity work, doing the personal development work and really focusing on overcoming the negative environments, figuring out that everything is figureoutable, and not using anything as an excuse but as the actual reason to catapult your success. To overcome the excuse, you become unstoppable.
Speaker 1:So just allow yourself to become a human project, give yourself grace, and if you need support along the way, you know where to find me. I'm an email away. I'm a message away. I'm here and I just hope that you know that. Don't forget there is a spiritual support system group on Facebook as well, but I will pop that in the show notes for the podcast episode and for anybody else that wants to join. You can look it up on Facebook or you can just DM me or pop in the comments group and I'll send you the link over.
Speaker 1:All right, I'm going to hop on a call with my business coach, because we have coaches too, and I'm so excited for this upcoming class. I hope that you get in on it. Tell your friends about it. I would like record numbers at this one, because it's going to be amazing, it's going to change lives and it is going to be the exact thing you need the launching point for what's coming next in your life and I'm really excited to facilitate that and help you get there. Let's go October 22nd. I'll see you there.