Just Women Talking Shit
Just Women Talking Shit is your go-to self-help podcast for real talk on personal & spiritual growth. Hosted by Jacquelynn Cotten, personal evolution mentor & founder of Spiritual Support System, this podcast features juicy interviews with badass, one-of-a-kind women. We dive deep into the good 💩, bad 💩, weird 💩, & life 💩, offering insights & inspiration to help you live a more authentic, fulfilled life. Join us for relatable stories, expert advice, & practical tips on overcoming challenges, building resilience, & embracing your true self. Tune in & start your journey towards personal evolution today!
Just Women Talking Shit
Ep 79: Unveiling Inner Peace with Laura Ordile: The Healing Power of Hypnosis and Personal Growth
When the weight of trauma, anxiety, and self-doubt bears down hard, where do you turn? I'm Jacquelynn Cotten, and in a heart-to-heart with Laura, we unpack the transformative role of hypnosis in the journey of healing and personal growth. Laura brings a wealth of knowledge from her military family roots, offering a beacon of hope for those navigating the aftermath of PTSD and trauma. Our candid discussion traverses the landscape of the mind, seeking paths that lead away from pain without forcing clients to relive their darkest moments. Together, we reflect on our struggles with mental health, finding common ground in our dedication to guiding others toward a brighter horizon.
If you've ever wondered about the curative potential lying dormant in the depths of your mind, this episode offers a glimpse into the oasis of calm that hypnosis can cultivate. From the misconceptions that shroud its practice to the bespoke nature of each therapeutic session, Laura and I demystify the hypnotherapy process, offering poignant insights into how it can foster significant change. We share inspiring tales of rapid and monumental personal evolution, demonstrating the power of readiness for change over preconditions. These narratives not only challenge the status quo but also illuminate the capacity for human resilience and the shedding of lifelong burdens.
Concluding our expedition through the subconscious, we touch upon the entwining paths of hypnosis and astrology, challenging societal norms and advocating for their integration into the tapestry of self-discovery. I open up about my trials with childhood trauma, and Laura introduces her Change Gang podcast, dedicated to triumphing over trauma. We close the conversation with a tender reflection on the sanctuaries we create in our backyards, recognizing the profound impact of finding peace in nature's embrace. Join us for this enlightening exploration that might just alter your perception of healing and personal transformation.
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Ladies and gentlemen, you're listening to Just Women Talking Shit with your host, Jacqueline Cotton. Jacqueline Cotton.
Speaker 2:Hello, hey, laura, oh my gosh, I like your background. Thank you, that's my backyard.
Speaker 1:Is it really In about July? I love it. It keeps me happy. It's kind of crazy now, but it comes and goes.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I was like holy shit, I want that backyard. I love it. Well, how are you doing today? I'm doing pretty good. How are you doing? Doing pretty well. Rolled right out of bed, hopped on camera, there you go. Hey, I showed up. That's what matters, right, it is. I'm really excited to talk to you. I've not gotten to talk to a lot of like people when it comes to, I mean, is like, I think, something that a lot of us talk about, but I read that, uh, you do hypnosis, I do, I want to do. I want to hear all about that. I want to hear about how you are showing up for your clients, how you got into this. I'd love to hear a little backstory. I'm going to to do that now. Oh yeah, we're just going to dive right in. You're going to dive right in.
Speaker 1:So I've kind of done some of the woo stuff. I'm an astrologer and an intuitive and I've done that for a long time and a few years back I always loved to use it in a very practical way. But for whatever reason, you know, and sometimes that just leads us to where we need to be I had it in my mind that I really needed a very base practical skill, something that was for the people who weren't Wu, that I could still help them. And hypnosis was what came to mind and people laugh because they're like, yeah, that's not Wu at all, but it was very practical in my mind. And so I found the right person and kind of started learning a little bit about it and it was like, oh yes, this is it. This is what I need to do next and really bring in.
Speaker 1:And one of the reasons that I really wanted to do it is because I'm from a military family and there are people in my family who dealt with some difficult things with PTSD and trauma and those things, and who just people in my family who have dealt with trauma too and I thought, wow, if there's a way for this to be helpful, yes, let's dive in. And one of the things I love about the way that I do it is I do it without people having to repeat their story, you know, 72 times, or tell me their deepest fears or anything like that. If you have a fear of flying and that's what you want to get rid of, then yes, I want to know that, but I don't need to know everything about what's behind that. I can work outside of that. If you've had a lot of trauma in your life and you're like, I just know there's things that are holding me back, I don't need to know every specific thing because your subconscious knows and from there you can go in and work with that and heal it. So that's kind of the journey that I took and I really recently so I've been doing hypnosis about five years and maybe a year ago now I found someone who really taught deeply and so knowledgeably about using it for PTSD, cptsd, trauma in general, trauma in general and that was like the little missing link for me and so, yes, this is perfect, this is absolutely right and the protocol that you use and so much knowledge about what's going on in our lives as people and how to help, because we have so many things that go on that we don't even understand or know.
Speaker 1:Why is that happening in my life? Why am I experiencing this? Why have I always had to suffer with this? Or why is this all of a sudden now coming up? And I kept hearing, and I still hear, and it drives me crazy that I'm just going to have to live to deal with it. You're going to have to find a way to manage your life with this being a part of it. You're always going to have this and it's not true. It's just not true in so many cases.
Speaker 1:And if I can help people to move beyond that, whether it's anxiety, physical, functional things like chronic fatigue, ibs, headaches, migraines, those types of things or emotionally, just on the anxiety side, having anxiety and panic is kind of physical too, but it does come from the emotional side of things, and so those things, or even the thought of I'm not good enough or how do I get forward? I keep moving in this circle. I can't, I'm stuck, I'm frozen, and then overwhelm kicks in and you don't do anything and I don't want anybody stuck there. I've been stuck there and I don't want that for anyone. So that's what I do. That's how. That's how I decided to do what I'm doing now with hypnosis, that's.
Speaker 2:I always love hearing how, because you're you're basically I hate using the word coach, but I know that you do coaching and and stuff like that but it's always so interesting to see how we coaches because I too am a coach and it's so funny and interesting to hear the backstories of, like how we got into that and I love that in a sense. For you, it like went back to the roots and you're like my family struggles with this and I love that in a sense. For you, it like went back to the roots and you're like my family struggles with this, and and that was kind of like my plug in point too. First off, it sounds like I need I probably need to get with you on one of these sessions. It sounds awesome, but it it like you were saying you know, being stuck and like not knowing where to, where to go next, and all these things.
Speaker 2:For me, I personally suffer with a lot of anxiety, depression, a lot of CPTSD as you were saying a lot of just stuff that I'm like why? I think that's like the human question why me, whenever, whenever you're going through those things, and so for me, the plug in point was learning about the subconscious. You're going through those things, and so for me the plug in point was learning about the subconscious, and once I discovered that the subconscious pretty much runs our lives, I was like, hold up, this is starting to make sense, how do I tap into that? And and kind of like rewire it, and it got me interested in hypnosis. So I'm really excited to talk a little bit more with you about that.
Speaker 1:It's. I love it, one of the things. It's like this little magic door and what happens, you know, people were like, oh my gosh, I've got to, you know. And they start struggling and they're climbing up this mountain to get up to the top and finally get to the other side and live the life they want to live. And what I found is hypnosis is this little door. It's a secret door to the tunnel that just goes underneath the mountain to the other side. You don't have to do all the struggling, you don't have to do all of those things. And why is a really good question with that? And so, if it's okay, I'll explain a little bit of some of the process of that. Of course, go for it.
Speaker 1:So, with our subconscious, what happens is it's like a hard drive and it's coded and programmed from the time even before we're born, because we hear things before we're born.
Speaker 1:We experience those things up to about seven years old. So all of these things are being programmed into our mind for us to have a basis, a foundation on how to live life, on what to do, and some of those things service all of our life. It's great. Yes, some of those things not so much. We might have had something that was programmed into us about relationships, because maybe our parents had a really difficult relationship and a little scary. And so our subconscious goes okay, note relationship scary, let's not do that. And our subconscious has one main job in our life keep us safe. And it's going to do that in whatever way possible sometimes very uncomfortable ways like digestive issues, ibs, like migraines, fear and anxiety, because if it triggers those things, it's going to try and stop you from going in the direction that it thinks is not safe for you, even though you're like no, no, I want to go this way.
Speaker 2:I want to do this. Yeah, you're kind of blowing my mind right now. I never thought about it that way, about like the physical ailments or discomfort showing up as a way to prevent you, because anxiety kind of like just takes your life over in a sense and I don't know. That just made a connection in my brain and almost like a permission slip to kind of I don't know. You just kind of blew my mind, okay, and I literally coach people in the subconscious and I'm like I never made that connection. What the keep going.
Speaker 1:Sorry, I'm just cool though, isn't it? I know that's how I felt when I started studying that stuff and I was like, wow, really, this is so cool. And so what happens too, is we have that hard drive, that foundation that's put in play, and things are added to it throughout life all along the way. But sometimes things are like on your computer there's something in a file, in a file, in a file somewhere down in there. You don't even think about it, don't even think about it, it's just there, but it's still part of what's going on, and so a couple of things can happen. Let me explain a little bit. So when you're tiny let's say you're a year and a half old, 18 months old, less than two years, even earlier, I know people will go back to being an infant and things happen then. Especially, there's some things like if you're a preemie baby, or if you had hospital time, or if you had some other kind of traumatic thing that happened in the family. When you're tiny, what happens is your subconscious, protecting you, creates this little version of you, little armored version, that comes out and says I've got you, don't worry about it, I've got you. And so it creates that version, you move on. And then, a little later in life, let's say you're just starting school and you experience a bully. Let's say you're just starting school and you experience a bully. Oh my goodness, another moment right, subconscious creates another little version of you. You move forward and so it's like those little nesting dolls. We have all the little nests, one and the other. We have that inside ourselves. We have these little versions of ourselves. Unfortunately, what can happen is they might get stuck in the loop of that trauma, that difficult moment, where they're reliving it over and over, because that's what they were created for to deal with that. So we go along.
Speaker 1:Now, two things happen here. One maybe, at some one of these early instances, you're all of a sudden creating a way of being like anxiety. We're just going to live in anxiety. That's the state that we're going to be in and that's how you experience life, through anxiety, all throughout your life or somewhere along the line. And one of those things happens. It flips a switch and all of a sudden, now you have fear, you have panic, you have anxiety, or you have a physical you know, chronic fatigue comes on just right now. That moment, well, what's happening is one of those little versions of you has said we can't deal with this, we can't live with this any longer. We have to clear this out. The one that comes from when you're a tiny even and you've lived with all your life has been trying to tell you we have an issue, we're stuck, we need help, make sense. And so, if you think about it, I compare it to two things at this point.
Speaker 1:One is if you have a puppy and you have that little puppy and it wants attention and and it's at you, it's at you, it's scratching at you You're just ignoring it, you're not giving it attention, it's going to go off, it's going to pee on your rug, it's going to chew up your shoes, it's going to do all the bad things. You've not given it any attention. If you do give it attention, it's going to be a lifelong friend, it's going to be loyal, it's going to be there. That's the subconscious. Those are those little parts going on. Also, if you think of another, we've all been a teenager or you have a teenager. You know that they can be interesting little people. And can you think of an angry teenager, upset, wanting their way, not getting attention? In charge of your subconscious? What are they going to do to get your attention? Might not always be nice thing, and so that's what happens and the work that I do goes in and we have a conversation, take you into a very restful, comfortable place, take you into a very restful, comfortable place and we go in and have the conversations to do the healing, to come to an understanding, to bring an awareness.
Speaker 1:Whether you come out of that session or sessions knowing exactly what it was doesn't matter. What matters is you will become aware inside of that session, in your subconscious, and be able then to break those chains, clear the way and from there all this stuff clears. It's so incredible. It's like getting to the root of, let's say, a weed. You can go clip the top of the weeds, deal with this symptom, deal with that symptom, deal with this one. You can go clip the top of the weeds, deal with this symptom, deal with that symptom, deal with this one. You can do that. But the best thing is to go down, get the root, pull it out totally. Then you have none of the symptoms, none. It's incredible what I've seen happen. I've seen people clear a laundry list of symptoms because it's not about the symptom, it's about that little tiny root, that little seed, that little sliver that's down there agitating things, and when that's gone, there's nothing to cause agitation, nothing to give you headaches, nothing to give you anxiety so where can I sign up?
Speaker 2:oh my gosh, this is so. I have been meaning to finish my hypnosis certification and everything, and you're really inspiring me I think you replaced this in this moment in time to be like Jacqueline, get off your ass and finish it. You've been saying you're gonna finish it, but considering I mean I want to do this for other people and I guess I hadn't really thought about doing it for myself I'm curious have you went under hypnosis and, if so, okay, what's your experience been like? Because I don't really know what to expect yet.
Speaker 2:I've done like Reiki and had and I've worked with healers, and the way I think about hypnosis is, as a human, I think that we resist a lot and I feel like once, from my perspective, once you're in hypnosis, there's no resistance anymore, and so I'm curious to hear like what's your personal experience been like and what can I expect when I do a session, or what can listeners expect? Because it's kind of like I've only really really heard on the radio I don't know if this makes a difference, I live in the south, but they'll do on the commercials every once in a while and so hypnosis expo and it's like want to stop smoking want to whatever I never thought about like actual physical things, like the anxiety and whatnot, but so I think a lot of us probably have like that um, did you ever see shallow, how?
Speaker 1:oh, I don't know, but most people have the have the stage hypnosis in their mind when they're thinking about it yeah.
Speaker 2:So it comes off it's kind of cheesy and like maybe fake. So let me tell you something about that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, if you think about uh and people go, oh, I don't want people controlling me and having control over what I do. I don't want people go. Oh, I don't want people controlling me and having control over what I do. I don't want to click like a chicken. I don't want to do these things.
Speaker 1:Those people gave permission to be up there to experience whatever they were. They knew it's stage hypnosis. They know that something interesting or funny or whatever's might going to happen. They're giving their permission. So it's not like they're going into this against their will. They're going to go have a little bit of fun and they're up for it. So I want people to know nothing can happen without your permission and hypnosis.
Speaker 1:You have to literally, you have to be willing and wanting the change. I don't work with people who just say, well, I have to do this, but I don't really want to. No, I want you to want the change. I want it to really be something at your core that says I need this change, I want this change. I don't know what's in my way, or maybe I do or I think, but I want it cleared and I want to get on with a happy, healthy, invigorating life. So it's not going to go against your will. I'm not controlling, I need to control myself. I don't control anybody else. That's enough.
Speaker 1:But another thing is people think, oh what if I do it wrong? And I tell them you're not going to do it wrong, I don't care if you show up my first experiences with it. I was really worried that I wasn't gonna go in, I wasn't gonna be able to follow along, or I was, my brain was gonna be so busy that I couldn't get past whatever it was doing. And I did experience that a little bit. I did experience my brain going oh my gosh, you know. And then going to the, did I turn the laundry in or did I do this? And oh my gosh, what is that? And then I'd have to kind of bring myself back, and that's okay.
Speaker 1:I often tell people if they've never had hypnosis, be sure that when you're going in for the first experience, you just let it be, let the person guide you in whatever way it is that they do. I happen to tell you all of these things when you come in. You're not going to do it wrong, don't worry. You can scratch, you can move, you can do whatever If the thoughts come to your mind, let them drift on by. It's okay, you know, just just continue to bring yourself back to listening to me.
Speaker 1:Some people go out completely. Oh, my goodness, they're out. They don't remember any of it, it's okay. I have people that fall asleep Me personally, I'm okay with that. Some people don't want their people to fall asleep, but I don't care. What I do works anyway, and so you kind of can't do it wrong. And one of the things that I do when the very first sessions that I do is all about relaxing, experiencing it, moving into a state that maybe you haven't experienced before. Most people who have anxiety, who have anger, who have all of those things going on, have trouble relaxing, have trouble, just you know, because they're up here and they're in this kind of energy and and so that first one is just like, it's okay, just follow along, just listen to what you can listen to drift away. If you drift away, whatever happens is absolutely okay, and most of them find it really interesting and really relaxing, and then they can the next time go. I know what's going to happen, it's okay, and they can relax in a little bit more.
Speaker 2:It sounds super peaceful and the things that you mentioned, like the concerns. I think that's one thing that's kept me from doing it is am I going to do it right? I have trouble falling asleep on my own and now being watched, you know like, am I going to do it right? Am I going to take forever? Because, like, I get in my head a lot, but about how long does a session even last for something like this?
Speaker 1:My sessions last anywhere from. I schedule about 90 minutes. Most of the time they're 60 minutes to maybe an hour and 15, something like that, which sounds like, oh my God, how could I ever sit there still for that long, or you know, it just sounds like this long time. But a large part of that is kind of getting into that relaxed state and I want to make sure that you're there, so it is just almost droning on a little bit to get your conscious mind to go right, whatever, and kind of get out of the way and go I'm gonna go do this, you do whatever you're doing. And so then it does finally go oh, okay, and you are able to relax into it a little bit, even if it's those just floaty, drifty moments where it's like, oh, I was listening, but then I lost it a little. Now I'm back, I don't know what's happening, but okay, and then it's like, okay, I'm just going to listen, and then you drift out again and then you drift in, and so it's kind of interesting to see I almost always have people worried about that, worried about, oh, it's a long time, or it's this or it's that, and I have trouble visualizing, or I have trouble following along, or I'm not sure I can relax.
Speaker 1:It's like let's just give it a try, because most of what I do, too, is after we do an initial session and I actually do packages, so I don't do just single sessions, but what I do is I work with the person each time to say how did that work for you? What did you kind of feel? Were you okay with it? Or was there any part of it that didn't feel good or kind of brought you to attention and made you uncomfortable? Because everyone is super susceptible to their own language, their own words. They might have a word that they really don't like, or they have one of the sections that they do that they're like I was doing really good, but then, when you did this, I really came awake and then I really couldn't kind of get back in. So through that communication with them, I can adjust it. I can take that section out, add another section in, do something different. It's important that I'm working with the client, with you, to be able to do what's going to serve you and to listen to what's meaningful for you, what's important for you, what is difficult for you, what's easy for you, things like that, so that I can adjust it.
Speaker 2:It all sounds so freaking interesting what I have a couple questions. Okay, one is a time thing how, how soon can you expect some sort of transformation? I feel like it's probably. It ranges, I'm sure. Um, and then I would love to hear without any names, of course, but do you have a memorable transformation that you're just like it sticks out immediately and you're like, holy shit, this stuff works. This is amazing and it even kind of blew your mind.
Speaker 1:Absolutely I do, and so my program, the, the base program I call it overhaul program is six to seven weeks. Now I'm actually working now with adjusting that down to two long sessions, so about three and a half hours. So two days instead of those six. I do the six to seven sessions about a week apart. Right now I like to keep it within that time frame, but it's absolutely doable to go. Okay.
Speaker 1:I really am intensely in a situation and I need to do this so we can do that in two. I haven't done it yet. There is a way to do it in one long day. That's a lot I would really we'd have to have a conversation about that before I did that but that's like a 10 and a half hour day, the 90 minute break in it, and you'd have to be ready for that process to kind of go and I don't mean like emotionally ready, just be like this is how it has to happen. I don't have any other choice. We're going to. This is what I need and we're going to be there and yes, I know there's might be some stuff over the next day, the next week ready for that, ready for whatever's going to be processing in your body. I don't need you to be in a space. I don't care if you're clean, sober. My only thing is that you are ready for change, you want change, you're willing, and if you're there, the rest of it will take care of. I don't care. A lot of people won't deal with someone who it's like you know you need to get sober first or you need to get clean first. Well, they wouldn't be in that situation if they need help to get out of that, and so it's kind of like this catch-22. And I just it's like no, just come with a willingness and a wanting of change. And yes, I have dealt with a few people.
Speaker 1:There's some incredible stories One. I have two I'd like to share. Is that okay? So one is a gentleman and this was actually someone who stuttered and it was someone that worked with my mentor actually. But I love this story because it shows you so well how things can play out. And he came to her and he had stuttered all his life and he's like if you could just help it calm down, you know, fixing it would be great, but even just kind of making it a little bit better. And so they went through the protocol that I use now it a little bit better. And so they went through the protocol that I use now and at one point he went down and he actually remembered part of this and so he came back out and he was telling her about it and he said I never would have thought this.
Speaker 1:But he said he was tiny, maybe a year old, just a little older, because he was toddling and he could walk around and he was so excited because they were having a birthday party and he was runningling and he could walk around and he was so excited because they were having a birthday party and he was running into the kitchen, he wanted to go get his toy and he fell and he reached up and grabbed the tablecloth and when he did that he pulled it down and with it came the cake and stuff you know, off of the table and so his mom was in there, was like, oh you know, oh no, and you're bad baby, oh you know, whatever the, the.
Speaker 1:That's what he experienced, that loudness and the difficulty and is with this little person. He was trying to say it was an accident. I didn't mean for it to happen. I was looking for my toy, you know, and I and I fell and of course he was too little, he didn't have the words and so he was telling the person yes, my mom did I always stutter? And she said, yeah, from the time you could speak, you always stuttered. And as he's telling the person, my mentor, they're talking for five, 10 minutes before he realizes and she realizes no more stutter, the stutter was gone completely.
Speaker 2:Oh, that's so cool. Isn't that so cool? I love that story.
Speaker 1:It's one of my favorites.
Speaker 2:It's super cool. My uh sister's husband stutters a lot, and I've, and when you're in the presence of someone who stutters you, just I mean you literally sit there and wait and you're respectful and you don't want to like stress them out anymore, bring attention to it, and he struggles with it tremendously and that just makes me wonder could we get rid of that, right? Huh, all right, very possible very possible.
Speaker 1:And then I had, uh, I had someone who I was working with that. She was at that point. It was just like I I have to clear this was working with that. She was at that point. It was just like I I have to clear this stuff she had PTSD. She had all of the laundry list.
Speaker 1:We, when we started, she had 17 hardcore symptoms like panic attacks, anxiety, ibs, all of these things, all really intense things that were that were happening, insomnia, a lot of that. And we hit that, the and, and we were going along and she was. Things were kind of moving a little and I said you'll know, there'll be this moment where, whether you see or change or notice anything, you'll come up out of a situation and you will know It'll be like this little switch is flipped. And we did the sixth session and then when I spoke to her, she said you're right, it's not there. And 17 symptoms had disappeared in those six weeks.
Speaker 1:I was what do they say? God smacked. I was just like wow, this is so incredible. And I could tell you so many stories like that of my own work, of people that do this same protocol that I do with PTSD and the work that I do and it's incredible to see these transformations that happen for people that just come out of it and go. I didn't even know this was possible to live this way without those things and it's like resetting. I call it resetting your zero point. It's a new zero point in life Because from there you're living a whole new life. You're living a whole new way of being.
Speaker 2:From that point forward makes me think about like a factory reset on your phone. It's just like that sounds amazing to kind of just wipe the slate clean and, in a sense, be unstoppable. Because so for me, lots of trauma, childhood trauma, neglect, all the things around, a lot of abuse, addiction. You know, like that was my life, and so I grew up with this insane, pretty much fear of everything, and I've always wondered and I tell my husband this too I'm like you know, my attention is everywhere. I'm like self-diagnosed ADHD, but I'm just so all over the place.
Speaker 2:I'm super intelligent and I feel like a lot of my clients are this way too, but there's just. I'm at that point, even with all the subconscious work I've done, creating new neural pathways, all the rewiring of the brain, all the over the past I don't know, five years they're still I feel like that just little thing and it's like what the fuck? I like I could do better, I could be better, I could be running this world, but it's just so. I understand that feeling of this block that you can't quite like explain. I'm so freaking intrigued. I'm so intrigued I can't wait.
Speaker 1:The amazing part too is, you know, we often talk just like we have about clearing, doing the reset, hitting that reset button and getting rid of the things that are there. The bonus to hypnosis is that you can add in the things that you need to move forward Confidence. You can add in, excuse me, energy, clarity, feeling of being able to move forward and, excitedly, we can shift those feelings in a way that really do guide us, amplify the confidence of it all to be able to take the steps and to recognize the feelings in a different way. Perspective is so interesting. If you think about fear and excitement, they start kind of as the same feeling. You come in. Think about a roller coaster ride. If anybody's been on a roller coaster, right, it's like, oh, my goodness, oh, you have that fear that comes up, but then you shift it into excitement, into oh wow, this is cool, this is fun, this is interesting, and you're able to move forward in that because you chose to move it into excitement instead of panic and fear and difficulty, and when you can learn to recognize some of those things coming in and go oh, isn't that interesting, where do I want to go with that? And then you can move it in the way that you want to.
Speaker 1:That's the one thing that I love most, absolutely the most, because it's what changed for me the most is, I found that there's this place inside of us where we can feel okay, even good, no matter what is going on around us. We have that center, that core. That's like, wow, I just got that huge bill today. I'm not sure how I'm going to pay it. But instead of oh my gosh, and you have the sick feeling and you get stuck in it and you're in that little wallowing space and you stay there and you stay there and you stay there and you move into the anxiety, the panic attack or the depression or something, you're able to keep moving and go. Oh, I don't like that. That's uncomfortable, but I am not going to stay in that experience. I'm going to keep moving. I'm going to see if I can find a way to do something about it. I'm going to keep flowing. I can find a way to do something about it. I'm going to keep flowing.
Speaker 1:That's what our feelings are for. They're not to shut off, turn off, ignore. We're meant to feel them, but we're meant to feel them and flow. So not staying in any one particular thing all the time. That includes happiness, that includes joy, that includes all of it. We're meant to flow through it where it's like, oh, this is so fun and exciting, what's next? It might be sadness, difficulty, anxiety for the moment, for a day or two, maybe a week. If we're in grief, we're going to experience it for a while. But even in grief, if you can come to the point inside you that says I am sad, I am hurt, but I am okay, boom, that's it right there.
Speaker 2:That's the good stuff. I say that feelings, equal feedback Whenever I speak with my clients look, let's just observe, like, what's going on here? What are these feelings trying to tell you? I feel like I could talk about this and ask you so many questions forever. We don't have time for that. So, um, if you will, what? What do you have going on in your world? You said you got a program. Do you have any books or events or anything coming up? How can, can people find you?
Speaker 1:They can find me all over the place with my name. It's Laura Ordeal, it looks like, or dial L-A-U-R-A-O-R-D-I-L-E, and I'm on Facebook, I'm on Instagram, I'm on TikTok under that and then that's also my website, lauraordealcom, and that tells you a lot about the work that I do. And I also have a change gang podcast. I have a podcast that I do and I actually do it twice a week, so I kind of play in the practical and the woo on one of them and then on the other one it's really focused on.
Speaker 1:I started it as a miniseries but I've continued it for a long time now Well, I say long time, months and months now. So it's called Triumphing Over Trauma. It's still under the Change Gang, but on Thursdays, triumphing Over Trauma comes out and I talk with a lot of different people doing what I'm doing hypnosis using. They all have their own little thing that they add in in their coaching or in Reiki or in nutrition, all the different things that they use in combination with hypnosis to help people. And so I really that was kind of a little passion project for me to do that you can work with me, as I said, through the programs. There's the base program, the Highlands Hypnosis Program, I call it, and it's the six to seven week program, or squished into it's not up yet but it's squished into the two days where we can do that. You just have to ask me about that if you heard this, because it's not up publicly as an offer. And then I also have my mentoring program, which is that personal success program. That goes a little bit longer. It's a 12-week program and we go into that overhaul process and do that.
Speaker 1:But then we start at that, what I mentioned, that new zero point and we amplify and move into adding in all those things and really amplifying the things to help you move forward, to do the things that are really important for you. And I do some of my other wonderful things in there. We do a whole session on you astrologically, because that's what I use. That is so incredibly important for me to say here's who you are at a very foundational level and let's work with some of this to really help you be who you're meant to be in this world, because so many people are shut down in the wonderful things that they are and you're told you're too much or you're too sensitive or whatever. Whatever. You're always in your head, you're always this and they're told on the negative side, all of these things, which is another conversation on astrology. But I add that in into that particular program because it's very important to me for you to see you in a wonderful way.
Speaker 2:So then you do natal charts and all that.
Speaker 1:I do yeah, I do the full natal chart. What we talk about who you are at a very base level, how to bring the things together that you might consider difficult or, oh yeah, I'm always warring with myself oh, this way, I go, that way, let's bring them together to work for you. We also talk about current energies and what's going on with what are called transits and where things are now in the world. And I love talking about the progressed moon in that, because that's very important to us emotionally where we're at at any given time and it really amplifies kind of the emotional base of where we are.
Speaker 2:I love it so much. Astrology is one of those'm so fascinated, but my mind is just like it's kind of like when I first started. I play guitar and I sing and I write music and like in the beginning it's so aggravating, I don't get it and I just put it away. And like people like you, and I have a really good friend named Stephanie who I host and like we started this annual retreat and when she did, like my natal chart and then I love human design.
Speaker 2:I don't know a whole lot about all this, but when she explained my natal chart to me and then I learned about human design and I'm learning about astrology and the transits and all that Y'all listeners please like, especially coming from a woman who lives in the Bible Belt it's because they push it away.
Speaker 2:They're like, oh, that's witchcraft or the devil's work, and I'm like, oh, this is not. This makes the most sense to me, because I can't quite fathom how this all really works and but it works and and then you talk about astrology and the natal charts and stuff and for some reason all just started making sense to me. I was like this makes so much sense why I am the way I am, and like when she was looking at the natal chart and saying you were meant to be a mother. See this, this and this. I'm like holy shit, it explains me to a T Some things I didn't even quite understand about myself and it honestly felt like a permission slip, yes, to just be and be comfortable in my own skin and like just embrace this journey of being a human and being different and unique.
Speaker 1:It's so important for you to do that because you show us how, whatever the things are in your chart, the people who have this is a whole nother conversation. But the people who have, you know, fire in their chart, a lot of fire. They are told constantly slow down, calm down, you said too much.
Speaker 2:That's what I heard all the time growing up. You're too much, you're so bossy.
Speaker 1:You just know it all.
Speaker 1:The people who have that much fire are meant to light the way for us, are meant to stand for us, are meant to say the things. We don't want to shut that fire down. We want it to shine brightly and see it, because some of us don't have that, some of us are experiencing something different. But when we see you with that fire out there, it's like wow, that's amazing. People with a lot of water. Oh, my goodness, they get shut down on. You're too sensitive, you're too standoffish, you're too whatever.
Speaker 1:Scorpios get a huge bad rap, holy cow. And when I learned about the things about Scorpio, they are so incredible Because water signs, but especially Scorpio if you've ever seen one of those pictures where you see underwater and above water, these water signs, it's so clear to them all of the underneath of the human experience, the life that flows underneath all of it. It's so clear, it's so beautiful, so amazing. And Scorpios want to go down deep because they want to show us look at the beauty that's there. But what? Down deep? Because they want to show us. Look at the beauty that's there. But what happens is sometimes they'll go too fast and it's like the rest of us are going, drowning in it. You know going oh my gosh, you're so intense, you're so dark, it's so crazy down here. But what it is is they see the beauty of life and death and all these things and it's a crazy emotional experience for them. And to even try to explain that to other people sometimes is like if you just go with me, you'll experience it, and if you do, you will. But it's also like if you think of being at a beach and you're in the waves and anyone who's been at a beach knows those waves can tumble you, they roll you around. It's difficult, but if you're in them long enough, you know how to navigate it. You go under if you want to, or you ride the wave in. Well, scorpios, that's their emotional constant. They're in the waves, that's their emotional constant. They're in the waves and so they're learning every day how to they're juggling those waves right.
Speaker 1:The rest of us are over here on the lazy river. We might have a few, you know, bumpy things, a little rapids here and there, but for the most part we're like ooh what? And we don't understand that. They're in this constant state of oh my goodness, you know navigating and they learn to do that. But they might be kind of like, oh, intense about it. Because think about if you're trying to maintain that the whole entire time of your life. It's a lot. Yes, they learn to navigate it. Yes, they do it, but they're not going to be like, oh, how are you? Yes, we're on the lazy river floating down. They're like, okay, I'm alive, I'm doing this. Do you want to? Let's dive under and see what's down here? Because that gives them a respite, that gives them a little bit of time. I don't think you'll ever look at a scorpio again.
Speaker 2:The same will you I was gonna no, no, no. You've like shifted my perspective on a lot of things and I feel like we need a part two, a part three, we could tackle if we have a whole conversation about astrology.
Speaker 2:I would definitely love to do that oh my gosh I'm so excited for everybody to listen to this, to learn more about hypnosis. Especially when I saw that you did hypnosis, I was like I know what we're talking about today because it's just so fascinating and I I feel like I feel like we're in an age now to where all of this stuff is becoming more normalized and it's more weird to not be woo-woo in some of my circles, and so I love that. It's like coming to the public eye and we're talking about it more, because I think stuff like this Hypnosis I think Well, maybe I do know why it's not Pushed out into the forefront, because what would it do To the health industry To be able to actually solve some issues? And so I think I'm going to. I think we need to just blast this shit Everywhere, hypnosis, because I think it'm going to.
Speaker 1:I think we need to just blast this shit everywhere, hypnosis, because I think it does and it is it did get shut down quite a bit for it, which is a whole nother story to it onto why it was doing amazing things. It was working with people, especially from the wars and situations like that, and it kind of got shut down for some kind of political reasons and some other things.
Speaker 1:But what a lot of people don't know is that hypnosis was approved by the American Medical Association in 1958. 1958. And by the National Institute of Health in 1995. And it's endorsed by the Mayo Clinic. It's out there and it's important and it can do the things that you don't. Go talk to somebody and say can it work for this? Do you think that it can?
Speaker 1:It's crazy what it can change in your life and if nothing else, the sad thing is that it's the last ditch effort. Usually it's like I've tried everything else and you maybe help me with this. I want it to be the first thing that people go to and say let's change this. Even one of my favorite things is when people come and they're ready for a change in their life and they're like you know what? I don't want anything to be in my way, I want anything to hold me back. Let's clear it all now, just in case there's something there. I don't know what might be there. Maybe I have a little bit of this or it's nothing really traumatic, but let's clear the way. And they, it's like gangbusters. They go out into the world and they up-level and they move and they get to the next level and they have such success. Is it possible without hypnosis? Yeah, it'll take longer, it'll be harder and it might not stick with hypnosis easily, effectively and completely it feels like cheat codes.
Speaker 2:Yes, it feels like cheat codes from the universe, to be honest. Source whoever you want to give that credit to. But holy shit, send me the information asap, because I'm that person. Again, I was told I was too much and when I get my mind set on something I'm like let's do this right now. I want transformation quickly and, anyway, I'm excited. I hope that anybody listening who is excited will go check out. Laura, I can't wait to listen to your podcast. I didn't realize you had a podcast.
Speaker 2:This started as a little labor of love. We're approaching episode 100, I think within the next month or two and it was one of those situations where I was like old Jacqueline limiting myself she's not ready, let's not do this. And one day I was just like that and we started this podcast and here we are. Here you are. How cool. I love how it all comes together.
Speaker 2:This has been a a great interview. I've loved talking to you and I feel like I know for me it's been like a swift kick in the ass. I feel like this could be the final thing for me, honestly, and I'm really excited. Like you said, the last ditch effort. I've been on this journey for a minute and it does sound like a dream come true, almost like too good to be true. I know, I want to test it. I'm going to test you, but if you because I've come such a long way and come out of my shell and completely like shifted the narrative, but I just I, I'm gonna pat myself on the back real quick, but I just think that I would be fucking unstoppable if I could figure out what is it. What is it holding me back? Yep, what am I so afraid of? Why am I so afraid of being insanely successful?
Speaker 1:you know, like I, I'm probably one of those little lines of code that's stuck in a file. That's stuck in a file.
Speaker 2:That's stuck in yeah, and I think it's stuck like you were talking about being in the womb and whatnot. I think it goes as early as that for me, and that's probably why I can't figure it out. So I'm sold. Anybody else hands up, let's do it. But anybody else who wants to to check laura out, check the show notes. We're gonna have all the details there. Um, you'd be insane not to go check it out and work with her. If you're struggling in life at all, maybe you're a superhero. If so, share how you did it with us. Um, but it's been such an honor, laura, I adore you. I love the background. It's been such an honor, laura, I adore you. I love the background. It's definitely been like you're beautiful to look at, of course, but then you got that back, that backdrop, and I'm oh my God, where is that actually?
Speaker 1:Montana. I live in Montana, so I live in Bosna, montana, and that's my backyard and I love it. We were so grateful to be where we are and it's covered in white a lot, but it looks like this a lot too. I love it.
Speaker 2:I thought you were joking. I thought you were joking when you said it was your backyard. No, it's my backyard. Oh my God, it's so beautiful. That's like goals. It's so pretty.
Speaker 1:It is.
Speaker 2:We live in a lot, you know, like we're in Mississippi where they're pushing all the houses together and I dream of a big backyard and I needed to see that I needed to see that it makes me happy and it soothes me, and so if it can do that for you too, that's wonderful. It's beautiful. What a blessing to be able to look out at that every day. It is All right, laura, it's been real. It's been real. It's been fun, it's been real fun. Thank you for being on.
Speaker 1:Thank you for having me Great conversation.
Speaker 2:Oh, so good, so good, so good, and I was serious. If you ever want to do a part two astrology whenever you're ready, I would love to hear about it. All right, have a great day. Thanks, you too. Bye.